Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It all is as it is suppose to be.

These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake

It all is as it is suppose to be.
I have been processing the concept of reaction. What is a reaction? A reaction is the body’s way of communicating with you. And when we react, we need to listen.
One of mentors spent forever trying to get me “out of my head” and into my body. She kept saying: listen to your body.
As I have been doing that, I am beginning to get the sense that a reaction serves two purposes.
One is a red flag that we still have an issue to process from our past. And two it is a spiritual warning that there is something in your immediate present that is a threat to you.
Either one takes your power from you. Now I do not think we have control over the actual reaction. But I think we have absolute control over the intensity of the reaction and the action that we assign to that reaction.
Reactions are usually a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) response that can be reversed with a parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response. To make it simple SNS speeds things up. You feel stress, your heart speeds up, your blood pressure goes up, you feel anxious and you suffer the long term consequences of stress. PNS slows things down allowing a feeling of peace and calm.
Triggering the PBS takes practice. Things like yoga, breathing, meditating and other QUIET activities foster PNS outcomes. Practicing PNS behaviors allows one to regain control over SNS quicker and easier.
Now for those of you who need to think through things… thinking is far more rational when the PNS is in control. (the peaceful pondering) Thinking through a situation while your heart is beating wildly, rarely produces intelligent behaviors.
So as you find yourself in a situation, where you want to react. Sit calmly, breathe and allow it to be as it is suppose to be. Do not react in SNS state; react with calm and thought and peace.
If you have read the previous blogs about gus….then you might find this interesting:
A SNS reaction would have been to put him down (fear). However…. Last night we found a large lump in gus's neck area last night.. we are not sure how long it has been there.. but if it was there in november.. it would surely explain his reaction to me...will keep you posted…….

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