These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
to get you in the mood.....
The Blue Moon, being the second full moon within one month, is a very powerful time. If you have special wishes, desires, this would be the time to do what you do, whether it be prayer, ritual, special ceremonies, to make those wishes known to the universe. I feel that with the Blue Moon being on New Years' Eve, it would be a perfect time to ask for that something special, whether it be love, prosperity, harmony, peace on earth, etc, to begin the new year with. Take some quiet time to yourself, clear your mind, meditate, then light a candle and focus on what it is that you really need in your life. Write it down if you have to. You might be surprised at the power of the Blue Moon!
and the scientific description:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Find a group of Mavens
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
From Wikipedia: A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from the Hebrew, via Yiddish, and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge.
Wow that is a new word for me, but it came to me in an email from a friend who describes a group of: "positive thinking women":(ie goddessess)who get together on a regular basis and work on the Laws Of Attraction principles. She went on to say that they are able to testify to each others realizations of visions as they unfold.
What an awesome way to utilize the power of collective energy to change the world. I believe that every human being on this earth has a deep seated need to be known, to be seen and to be heard for who they are. I believe that we as spirits having a human experince need to have a witness to our lives. And I think the coming together in groups is a great way to witness, document and promote foward movement of personal experince.
I am surprized by the the amount of negativity that flows openly on the social networks...and always jump for joy when i see a posting of a fellow light worker, or
I also love the postings of those who share knowledge....(like my nephew who tries to share wisdom for those of us who are computer illiterate)
Anyone who is reading this today....take the time to to know what you know and then share it with someone. And find a group of people who can be a witness to your life, and with whom you can share your journey.
And I thank each of you who have done that for me.. on some level in the past, and who are doing it today. May you create your own wonderful path, and then share that joy with someone today. Thank you jm.
From Wikipedia: A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. The word maven comes from the Hebrew, via Yiddish, and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge.
Wow that is a new word for me, but it came to me in an email from a friend who describes a group of: "positive thinking women":(ie goddessess)who get together on a regular basis and work on the Laws Of Attraction principles. She went on to say that they are able to testify to each others realizations of visions as they unfold.
What an awesome way to utilize the power of collective energy to change the world. I believe that every human being on this earth has a deep seated need to be known, to be seen and to be heard for who they are. I believe that we as spirits having a human experince need to have a witness to our lives. And I think the coming together in groups is a great way to witness, document and promote foward movement of personal experince.
I am surprized by the the amount of negativity that flows openly on the social networks...and always jump for joy when i see a posting of a fellow light worker, or
I also love the postings of those who share knowledge....(like my nephew who tries to share wisdom for those of us who are computer illiterate)
Anyone who is reading this today....take the time to to know what you know and then share it with someone. And find a group of people who can be a witness to your life, and with whom you can share your journey.
And I thank each of you who have done that for me.. on some level in the past, and who are doing it today. May you create your own wonderful path, and then share that joy with someone today. Thank you jm.
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Cherokee Legend
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
A Cherokee Legend
His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him
alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove
the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He
cannot cry out for help to anyone.
Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.
He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must
come into manhood on his own.
The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild
beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do
him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat
stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he
could become a man!
Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his
It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him.
He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.
We, too, are never alone.
A Cherokee Legend
His father takes him into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him
alone. He is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove
the blindfold until the rays of the morning sun shine through it. He
cannot cry out for help to anyone.
Once he survives the night, he is a MAN.
He cannot tell the other boys of this experience, because each lad must
come into manhood on his own.
The boy is naturally terrified. He can hear all kinds of noises. Wild
beasts must surely be all around him. Maybe even some human might do
him harm. The wind blew the grass and earth, and shook his stump, but he sat
stoically, never removing the blindfold. It would be the only way he
could become a man!
Finally, after a horrific night the sun appeared and he removed his
It was then that he discovered his father sitting on the stump next to him.
He had been at watch the entire night, protecting his son from harm.
We, too, are never alone.
Friday, November 13, 2009
trusting, and not reacting to a crisis
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Had two "near crisis': one found out someone had charged over 5000$ on my credit card and two this morning i went to pull up this power point presentation i had spent hours working on and the majority of it was not saved. Both times I let go with in minutes.. well actually it was an hour with the credit card thing, and i breathed, and i trusted, and i let go, and in both situations there was a good outcome. Bank of America (God love them) credited us with the bad charges) and I found the file hidden off in my computer (and i am computer illiterate.) It is all about trusting. (And praising and celebrating) and being connected inward and upward. Wow life is good!
Had two "near crisis': one found out someone had charged over 5000$ on my credit card and two this morning i went to pull up this power point presentation i had spent hours working on and the majority of it was not saved. Both times I let go with in minutes.. well actually it was an hour with the credit card thing, and i breathed, and i trusted, and i let go, and in both situations there was a good outcome. Bank of America (God love them) credited us with the bad charges) and I found the file hidden off in my computer (and i am computer illiterate.) It is all about trusting. (And praising and celebrating) and being connected inward and upward. Wow life is good!
Monday, November 9, 2009
It all is as it is suppose to be
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
So I have been journaling a lot lately as you read in the last blog. Today I just sat at the computer with a blank mind, and trust me that is a good thing from time to time.
And then an email came in with a link to another blog, and I read it and went wow, that is exactly what I needed for today.
Especially about intending our future, which implies we want something different than what we have. And as long as we want something different from what we have.
We will always be in a state of want.
So today: for me it is all about it being exactly as it is suppose to be, and being fully and completely in the present moment.
PS that email had to come from somewhere. And that email came from someone who understands the power of collective energy. Sharing and being connected to others is what changes the energy of the world. Thank you to her. And may you as the reader share something of yourself with someone else today too.
So I have been journaling a lot lately as you read in the last blog. Today I just sat at the computer with a blank mind, and trust me that is a good thing from time to time.
And then an email came in with a link to another blog, and I read it and went wow, that is exactly what I needed for today.
Especially about intending our future, which implies we want something different than what we have. And as long as we want something different from what we have.
We will always be in a state of want.
So today: for me it is all about it being exactly as it is suppose to be, and being fully and completely in the present moment.
PS that email had to come from somewhere. And that email came from someone who understands the power of collective energy. Sharing and being connected to others is what changes the energy of the world. Thank you to her. And may you as the reader share something of yourself with someone else today too.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
AAA: Having a witness to your life.
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Many of us have Triple A road service and protection. I am suggesting that there is a similar protection for our spiritual journey needs.
Let’s call it Accountability, Authenticity and Awareness.
So here is the story: A few weeks back I was going into a bad place, needing a great attitude adjustment. So I called my coach, shaman, mentor, therapist person. I just babbled about this and that; and how did I get back into such a dark place. As I widdled down through the issues, it became apparent that this was days of stuffing feelings, and days of ignoring what I knew to be true, and days of letting my power leek away into oblivion.
What I was able to identify is a tad of anger in my veins. (“A TAD” is pretty much an understatement) But I had fallen recently and I was in pain, and remnants of the dog bite to my face surfaced. And a little of this old issue and a little of that old issue, was lingering and the bottom line was I had stopped meditating, being quiet and had stopped praying.
So my assignment was to commit to 10/30. For thirty days I was to spend 10 minutes of quiet time being connected to my self. (Being out of my head and into my body, being connected to my higher power, to my spirit to my guides whatever terminology you want to use) I was directed to either just sit, if I had nothing to say, or scream or speak, or cry or laugh, but the one thing I was not allowed to do is think. This was all about getting out of the analytical, critical, denial producing, cover up inducing head. It was about being authentic, being honest, gut wrenching honest, feeling, and getting back to the knowing in ones soul and heart. Not mind knowing, but soul knowing.
And then I was to write her everyday via email as a way of being accountable. Now the rules were that she was not going to comment or respond, unless she did not hear from me. This process was not about feedback, it was about the ability one has with in them self to become aware.
So the process started 11 days ago, and on one day I received a message of: ?????? because I hadn’t written. After that, the drive to do this on days I didn’t feel like it has kicked in because I know I am being accountable to another tribe member.
That accountability factor is huge. However it is also hard to be authentic when you are spilling gut wrenching feelings to another person you respect and honor. Trust is important here. You really can not do this kind of exercise without a recipient that is trained not to judge, is trained to honor your path, and who accepts you unconditionally. It is also important to have a recipient of this kind of feedback that knows how to dump it, not personalize it, and is able to witness it without feeling responsible to fix it.
The experience I have had so far has been amazing. There have been times of blah, times of anger, and times of incredible awareness. Feelings have surfaced that have stayed repressed by the will of the mind, for ever so long, and some seem like they have been waiting lifetimes to emerge and resolve.
My ten minutes a day has now shifted to twice a day. (Once a day to speak and once a day to listen) Simultaneous with this, has been a revival of peace, and power. Currently I am working on some creativity blockages. And my mind is saying thank god, I don’t have to work so hard.
There has been some integration of my personality that has kept me very compartmental and closed. I am feeling more open, and yet not more vulnerable.
It has been a great experience, and I challenged each of you to try this 10/30 day experiment of being accountable, authentic and aware. Find a witness to your journey, and donate energy back to them as a way of honoring their time and ability to accept your story.
Many of us have Triple A road service and protection. I am suggesting that there is a similar protection for our spiritual journey needs.
Let’s call it Accountability, Authenticity and Awareness.
So here is the story: A few weeks back I was going into a bad place, needing a great attitude adjustment. So I called my coach, shaman, mentor, therapist person. I just babbled about this and that; and how did I get back into such a dark place. As I widdled down through the issues, it became apparent that this was days of stuffing feelings, and days of ignoring what I knew to be true, and days of letting my power leek away into oblivion.
What I was able to identify is a tad of anger in my veins. (“A TAD” is pretty much an understatement) But I had fallen recently and I was in pain, and remnants of the dog bite to my face surfaced. And a little of this old issue and a little of that old issue, was lingering and the bottom line was I had stopped meditating, being quiet and had stopped praying.
So my assignment was to commit to 10/30. For thirty days I was to spend 10 minutes of quiet time being connected to my self. (Being out of my head and into my body, being connected to my higher power, to my spirit to my guides whatever terminology you want to use) I was directed to either just sit, if I had nothing to say, or scream or speak, or cry or laugh, but the one thing I was not allowed to do is think. This was all about getting out of the analytical, critical, denial producing, cover up inducing head. It was about being authentic, being honest, gut wrenching honest, feeling, and getting back to the knowing in ones soul and heart. Not mind knowing, but soul knowing.
And then I was to write her everyday via email as a way of being accountable. Now the rules were that she was not going to comment or respond, unless she did not hear from me. This process was not about feedback, it was about the ability one has with in them self to become aware.
So the process started 11 days ago, and on one day I received a message of: ?????? because I hadn’t written. After that, the drive to do this on days I didn’t feel like it has kicked in because I know I am being accountable to another tribe member.
That accountability factor is huge. However it is also hard to be authentic when you are spilling gut wrenching feelings to another person you respect and honor. Trust is important here. You really can not do this kind of exercise without a recipient that is trained not to judge, is trained to honor your path, and who accepts you unconditionally. It is also important to have a recipient of this kind of feedback that knows how to dump it, not personalize it, and is able to witness it without feeling responsible to fix it.
The experience I have had so far has been amazing. There have been times of blah, times of anger, and times of incredible awareness. Feelings have surfaced that have stayed repressed by the will of the mind, for ever so long, and some seem like they have been waiting lifetimes to emerge and resolve.
My ten minutes a day has now shifted to twice a day. (Once a day to speak and once a day to listen) Simultaneous with this, has been a revival of peace, and power. Currently I am working on some creativity blockages. And my mind is saying thank god, I don’t have to work so hard.
There has been some integration of my personality that has kept me very compartmental and closed. I am feeling more open, and yet not more vulnerable.
It has been a great experience, and I challenged each of you to try this 10/30 day experiment of being accountable, authentic and aware. Find a witness to your journey, and donate energy back to them as a way of honoring their time and ability to accept your story.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
What I need to be happy.
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
i just spent some time creating a dream board using Oprahs web site: and just got so revived and excited and filled with joy and hope. From that I revised my: "what i need to be happy list" it now looks like this:
I need to be connected to people /community / to a tribe
I need my space and quiet
I need to be creative
Sometimes I need to do nothing
I need to be productive and feel useful
I need to grow mentally and spiritually
I new to experience new things
I need to give love and get love
I need to be physically healthy (good food good exercise good sleep)
I need romance
I need someone to talk to
I need insightful feedback
I need to be connected to the environment
I need culture and times to dress up and be sophisticated
Periodically I need to go to the blue waters
I need music and dance
I need to be valued, appreciated and honored on occasion
I need to be making a difference
I need freedom to be fully me
I need the financial freedom to be generous
I need to the freedom to be content and still want it all
I need opportunities to fulfill my purpose:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised Luke 4:18
And I need to: do what I love and when I stop loving it, stop doing it
What do you need to be happy?
i just spent some time creating a dream board using Oprahs web site: and just got so revived and excited and filled with joy and hope. From that I revised my: "what i need to be happy list" it now looks like this:
I need to be connected to people /community / to a tribe
I need my space and quiet
I need to be creative
Sometimes I need to do nothing
I need to be productive and feel useful
I need to grow mentally and spiritually
I new to experience new things
I need to give love and get love
I need to be physically healthy (good food good exercise good sleep)
I need romance
I need someone to talk to
I need insightful feedback
I need to be connected to the environment
I need culture and times to dress up and be sophisticated
Periodically I need to go to the blue waters
I need music and dance
I need to be valued, appreciated and honored on occasion
I need to be making a difference
I need freedom to be fully me
I need the financial freedom to be generous
I need to the freedom to be content and still want it all
I need opportunities to fulfill my purpose:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised Luke 4:18
And I need to: do what I love and when I stop loving it, stop doing it
What do you need to be happy?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Its all about the miracles!
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
So today the most marvelous thing happened. One of those absolutely wow moments.
Rich stopped to get breakfast at Hardees. It was "buy one get one free" breakfast meal. (It was cheaper than just buying one) SO he ate his,and decided to give the other one away. He stopped at one of his pool stores he buys from and shared his breakfast with someone there. He then went on his way. A few hours later, he was pulling into an apartment complex where he does work. And a police officer (Gaston County)pulled in behind him. At first he was a little nervous...... then.....
Now are you ready for this? She got out of the car and handed him lunch. She said "I just went to Burger King and bought a "two for one" deal. I only wanted one and wanted to share the other." He shared his story and they both had a moment of disbelief. What goes around DOES comes around.
WOw, I mean wow..... And he ended the story with..."and she was good looking too!"
So today the most marvelous thing happened. One of those absolutely wow moments.
Rich stopped to get breakfast at Hardees. It was "buy one get one free" breakfast meal. (It was cheaper than just buying one) SO he ate his,and decided to give the other one away. He stopped at one of his pool stores he buys from and shared his breakfast with someone there. He then went on his way. A few hours later, he was pulling into an apartment complex where he does work. And a police officer (Gaston County)pulled in behind him. At first he was a little nervous...... then.....
Now are you ready for this? She got out of the car and handed him lunch. She said "I just went to Burger King and bought a "two for one" deal. I only wanted one and wanted to share the other." He shared his story and they both had a moment of disbelief. What goes around DOES comes around.
WOw, I mean wow..... And he ended the story with..."and she was good looking too!"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Happy anniversary charlie
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Do not take anything for granted today. Life can change in a moment, And although change is always good, you can wonder if you could have enjoyed the last moment just a little bit better. 5 years ago today, we sat in Florida watching a category 2 hurricane heading for tampa. Not a big deal to us long term hurricane watchers.. but in a instant,it turned. and headed directly towards us and 20 minutes later we were in the midst of a category 4 hurrincae and our lives would never be the same again.
We can celebrate all of the good that came from that destruction, but our human minds will always remember what was.
Here is a letter I have written to those good friends:
Despite moving away from Charlotte County, our hearts will be forever connected to this area, to each of you and to the memories we have shared.
On this anniversary of Hurricane Charley: and event that cemented an already existing bond we transform the remnants of anything negative into a celebration of what has transpired since then.
Hurricanes: It’s about warm water heating air and moving energy upwards up and away from (almost like a cleansing). When that happens and it clashes with higher cooler air which inspires wind and rain. (The bigger the clash, the more intense the wind and the heavier the rains) Wind clears out, rains wash away, and what is left is just the earth.
In life we have issues; that heat up, and try resolve on their own. But often in that process there comes a clash with cold: with apathy and with stagnant lack of movement. And then we have crisis. The crisis is a storm. And the bigger the crisis: the bigger the storm. Storms bring with it wind and rain, and sometimes destruction. But in that destruction comes opportunities to grow to change to be better.
Hurricane Charlie caused destruction. Then it brought opportunities to change to grow to rebuild better. It left the earth, and we are the earth. We are what is left. We are what matters. We are the foundation from which to grow from.
I think there is a lesson in that. Perhaps if we learned to clean up and clean out our lives on a regular basis, we wouldn’t need so much wind, or clashes or destruction. If we cleaned up our lives, and resolved our issues actively and passionately, we wouldn’t need Mother Nature to come in and do it for us.
Hurricane Charlie was a monumental event. We weren’t expecting it, or ready for it but we needed it. It was good, it did its job and now it’s gone except in our memories. Now we can make our lists of things we will never take for granted again.
For us at the top of the list: is the raw bar, the harbor, our friends, and the reality that life can change in a moment. We commit on this 5 year anniversary to stop everyday and say thank you for what we have. We commit to using our senses to see and hear and taste and smell and feel, as much as possible, for tomorrow it may not be the same. Everyday we will ask what we can do to grow, to resolve, to release to let go of. Maybe it won’t protect us from another hurricane, but we are thinking that if one comes we will be better prepared.
When we do this exercise we will remember you, we will love you and we will pray for all of you who have a memory with us. You are in our heart, and we are in yours. We will never feel alone, and you will never be anything but loved, and honored and celebrated.
Happy anniversary Charlie.....
Do not take anything for granted today. Life can change in a moment, And although change is always good, you can wonder if you could have enjoyed the last moment just a little bit better. 5 years ago today, we sat in Florida watching a category 2 hurricane heading for tampa. Not a big deal to us long term hurricane watchers.. but in a instant,it turned. and headed directly towards us and 20 minutes later we were in the midst of a category 4 hurrincae and our lives would never be the same again.
We can celebrate all of the good that came from that destruction, but our human minds will always remember what was.
Here is a letter I have written to those good friends:
Despite moving away from Charlotte County, our hearts will be forever connected to this area, to each of you and to the memories we have shared.
On this anniversary of Hurricane Charley: and event that cemented an already existing bond we transform the remnants of anything negative into a celebration of what has transpired since then.
Hurricanes: It’s about warm water heating air and moving energy upwards up and away from (almost like a cleansing). When that happens and it clashes with higher cooler air which inspires wind and rain. (The bigger the clash, the more intense the wind and the heavier the rains) Wind clears out, rains wash away, and what is left is just the earth.
In life we have issues; that heat up, and try resolve on their own. But often in that process there comes a clash with cold: with apathy and with stagnant lack of movement. And then we have crisis. The crisis is a storm. And the bigger the crisis: the bigger the storm. Storms bring with it wind and rain, and sometimes destruction. But in that destruction comes opportunities to grow to change to be better.
Hurricane Charlie caused destruction. Then it brought opportunities to change to grow to rebuild better. It left the earth, and we are the earth. We are what is left. We are what matters. We are the foundation from which to grow from.
I think there is a lesson in that. Perhaps if we learned to clean up and clean out our lives on a regular basis, we wouldn’t need so much wind, or clashes or destruction. If we cleaned up our lives, and resolved our issues actively and passionately, we wouldn’t need Mother Nature to come in and do it for us.
Hurricane Charlie was a monumental event. We weren’t expecting it, or ready for it but we needed it. It was good, it did its job and now it’s gone except in our memories. Now we can make our lists of things we will never take for granted again.
For us at the top of the list: is the raw bar, the harbor, our friends, and the reality that life can change in a moment. We commit on this 5 year anniversary to stop everyday and say thank you for what we have. We commit to using our senses to see and hear and taste and smell and feel, as much as possible, for tomorrow it may not be the same. Everyday we will ask what we can do to grow, to resolve, to release to let go of. Maybe it won’t protect us from another hurricane, but we are thinking that if one comes we will be better prepared.
When we do this exercise we will remember you, we will love you and we will pray for all of you who have a memory with us. You are in our heart, and we are in yours. We will never feel alone, and you will never be anything but loved, and honored and celebrated.
Happy anniversary Charlie.....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Being innocent does not mean being ignorant
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Being innocent does not mean being ignorant. It is possible to experince all the challenges and traumas of life and surface with innocent wisdom, and and not hardened anger. I wonder what would happend today if i proceeded with an innocent attitude as if nothing bad had ever happened to me. (cause in reality nothing bad ever has.) Everything in my life has given me a gift
I wrote that several days ago on facebook. And all day as i felt myself tense up, i just reminded myself that I was innocent and loving. It was a great day!
Being innocent does not mean being ignorant. It is possible to experince all the challenges and traumas of life and surface with innocent wisdom, and and not hardened anger. I wonder what would happend today if i proceeded with an innocent attitude as if nothing bad had ever happened to me. (cause in reality nothing bad ever has.) Everything in my life has given me a gift
I wrote that several days ago on facebook. And all day as i felt myself tense up, i just reminded myself that I was innocent and loving. It was a great day!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Three powerful words:
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Sometimes I think the three most powerful words I know are: I AM DONE !!!!
Every time my life has changed drastically, it has been shortly after I have said: “I am Done” with something.
I sold the business in Florida when I said “I am done trying to make this work” I have left jobs when I have said: “ I am done being stressed”
I have seen it in my clients when they have said: “ I am done being abused, and they walked out” “ I am done feeling guilty” and they have found joy. “ I am done putting everyone else first in my life” and they begin self care.
Recently in my life I saw things that were happening over and over again, and I said “I am done with this karma.”; And then handled the situation differently.
Being done is an ending. And in order to end something usually you have to be either totally fed up and broken or just fed up to the top. But can you say I am done, way earlier in the reaction change, if you are aware of what is going on.
I think negative situations drift into our lives to get our attention. And the less aware we are, the bigger the situation is. But to be aware sometimes means discomfort. To be aware means asking ourselves, what is the pay off, the benefit, the reward for continuing in some “bad behavior or state of mind?” I ask my clients that all the time: what is the benefit of feeling bad today? And they are shocked that I would think they want to stay that way. But the reality is we do what we want to do, and when we stop wanting to do it, we stop doing it. So if today I am fearful, there is a reason for that: perhaps it keeps me from having to trust the universe. Or if I feel helpless, it might be because feeling helpless means I have no responsibilities, and I have to take no risk, and I can blame everything on someone else. Or if I tired I can say, see, I can’t exercise, Or I can’t can’t can’t.
BUT if become aware of the benefit for my bad feelings, bad behavior, then I can alter them, and create a more powerful desire. I want to feel good. I want to have fun, I want to be successful, I want to be peaceful, energetic, prosperous, healthy, connected etc etc etc. and then the fear settles in because now I am aware of the consequences for those feelings: If I feel good, I will have nothing to complain about. If I have fun: OMG someone will think I am not being responsible. If I am successful, I will have to be perfect and work hard. If I am peaceful I will have to get quiet and meditate, and be true to my self and slow down, and for God sake how can I be peaceful and successful?
If I am energetic, I will have to eat right and reduce my stress and say no to people occasionally and…. I if I am prosperous, I might have to actually be aware of opportunities for change, (and then change) and be aware of how I spend money, be aware of…….now this is sounding like work… If I am healthy I might have to exercise and do self care. If I am connected I will have to be open.
Goodness. How did this conversation get started: Well for me it came from being done feeling old. So now I am paying attention to my body, to my mind and to my spirit.
I said I am done living in fear, which means opening to trust, and joy and opportunities.
Today I get up and say: “Today I am going to do things different.” Today I am going to be aware. Today I am going to feel good. Today I am successful, I am healthy, I am connected. Today I am prosperous. Today I am peaceful energetic. Today I attract all good things. Today I feel good.
Right after i wrote this i got this in an email:
'Don't go through life
so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!'
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street,
going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, 'What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That is a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic.
'Please, mister....please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears
dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. 'It's my brother, ' he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell
out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling
lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may God bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too
shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very
noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 'Don't go through life
so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!' God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have
time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or
Sometimes I think the three most powerful words I know are: I AM DONE !!!!
Every time my life has changed drastically, it has been shortly after I have said: “I am Done” with something.
I sold the business in Florida when I said “I am done trying to make this work” I have left jobs when I have said: “ I am done being stressed”
I have seen it in my clients when they have said: “ I am done being abused, and they walked out” “ I am done feeling guilty” and they have found joy. “ I am done putting everyone else first in my life” and they begin self care.
Recently in my life I saw things that were happening over and over again, and I said “I am done with this karma.”; And then handled the situation differently.
Being done is an ending. And in order to end something usually you have to be either totally fed up and broken or just fed up to the top. But can you say I am done, way earlier in the reaction change, if you are aware of what is going on.
I think negative situations drift into our lives to get our attention. And the less aware we are, the bigger the situation is. But to be aware sometimes means discomfort. To be aware means asking ourselves, what is the pay off, the benefit, the reward for continuing in some “bad behavior or state of mind?” I ask my clients that all the time: what is the benefit of feeling bad today? And they are shocked that I would think they want to stay that way. But the reality is we do what we want to do, and when we stop wanting to do it, we stop doing it. So if today I am fearful, there is a reason for that: perhaps it keeps me from having to trust the universe. Or if I feel helpless, it might be because feeling helpless means I have no responsibilities, and I have to take no risk, and I can blame everything on someone else. Or if I tired I can say, see, I can’t exercise, Or I can’t can’t can’t.
BUT if become aware of the benefit for my bad feelings, bad behavior, then I can alter them, and create a more powerful desire. I want to feel good. I want to have fun, I want to be successful, I want to be peaceful, energetic, prosperous, healthy, connected etc etc etc. and then the fear settles in because now I am aware of the consequences for those feelings: If I feel good, I will have nothing to complain about. If I have fun: OMG someone will think I am not being responsible. If I am successful, I will have to be perfect and work hard. If I am peaceful I will have to get quiet and meditate, and be true to my self and slow down, and for God sake how can I be peaceful and successful?
If I am energetic, I will have to eat right and reduce my stress and say no to people occasionally and…. I if I am prosperous, I might have to actually be aware of opportunities for change, (and then change) and be aware of how I spend money, be aware of…….now this is sounding like work… If I am healthy I might have to exercise and do self care. If I am connected I will have to be open.
Goodness. How did this conversation get started: Well for me it came from being done feeling old. So now I am paying attention to my body, to my mind and to my spirit.
I said I am done living in fear, which means opening to trust, and joy and opportunities.
Today I get up and say: “Today I am going to do things different.” Today I am going to be aware. Today I am going to feel good. Today I am successful, I am healthy, I am connected. Today I am prosperous. Today I am peaceful energetic. Today I attract all good things. Today I feel good.
Right after i wrote this i got this in an email:
'Don't go through life
so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!'
A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street,
going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his car passed, no children appeared. Instead, a brick smashed into the Jag's side door! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to the spot where the brick had been thrown. The angry driver then jumped out of the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car shouting, 'What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing? That is a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot of money. Why did you do it?' The young boy was apologetic.
'Please, mister....please, I'm sorry but I didn't know what else to do,' He pleaded. 'I threw the brick because no one else would stop...' With tears
dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car. 'It's my brother, ' he said 'He rolled off the curb and fell
out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him
Now sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, 'Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He's hurt and he's too heavy for me.'
Moved beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling
lump in his throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh
scrapes and cuts. A quick look told him everything was going to be okay. 'Thank you and may God bless you,' the grateful child told the stranger. Too
shook up for words, the man simply watched the boy! push his wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was very
noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He kept the dent there to remind him of this message: 'Don't go through life
so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!' God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts. Sometimes when we don't have
time to listen, He has to throw a brick at us. It's our choice to listen or
Monday, July 6, 2009
Magical Weekend
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Magical Weekend
It started Friday, I had a session with my shaman /life coach ( Which helped me heal some stress and release some negative, thinking and feeling. She lives in Black Mountain which is outside of Asheville. The energy there feels as good as it does near any vortex like Sedona. Just the drive there along brings with it a positive charge. My best friend of 25 years went and had a session too, and while she did, I sat and breathed in the mountain air and shopped in a healing place and made new friends, and journaled and released and it was all good. We had a Tai dinner, which we found synchronistically, and then stayed in this delightful bed and breakfast in the mountains, while we solved some more problems of the world sitting on rocking chairs on a balcony looking out over the mountains.
Now all of that was perfect, but it got better. I met my husband south of Asheville for our maiden voyage in our new camping get up. He manages a pool there, which gave us a great place to leave the car without me coming all the way home. We then journey our way up to the Smokey’s, near Cherokee., and the magic erupted. There were so many little absolutely perfect moments, that I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. Not sure how we were so blessed with such a wonderful series of little miracles.
Most places were booked for the weekend or required a minimum of three nights. This place had one spot left, and it has a perfect spot with a great view of the mountains. The campground was quiet and nice; the showers were so clean you could have eaten off the floor of them. We got our stuff set up. First time we have gone since selling the motor home and buying the little van. It was a blast.
Saturday we went to a Pow Wow on the reservation, where they had traditional dance contests. (Tribal Indian Dances) It was mesmerizing. It was crowded because it was the fourth, however we found a parking spot right across the street. It was along a creek, and we got our feet wet and watched the tubers. We left before the fireworks started; partially to avoid the traffic and partially to watch the race. (yes we had a cable hook up at our campsite.) But if you know us, you know that fourth of July for us for many many many years was going to Daytona to the race, Then to our delight, the top of the fireworks burst forth just about the mountain in the distance and it was perfect.
In the mountains it gets cool, so we both slept like babies in our conversion van. And we knew this was another great anniversary. I thought I was so cool for getting Richard 17 presents: one for each year of our marriage. But he out did me. He got me an experience.
He bought us a portable hammock, which he set up in out gazebo / tent and brought a palm tree and a rug from home, and my favorite pillow. He even brought his “tux T shirt” to play the part. He wanted to serve me martinis, but ended up doing it for breakfast and served me coffee. I spent the whole afternoon there reading a book. (Haven’t done that in ages) They said it was to storm all day, but didn’t … we managed to hike to 4 waterfalls and walk about 3 miles along the best sounding and smelling creeks first. It rained when we got back, but we didn’t get wet. And the thunderstorm didn’t come till we were asleep, and it sounded awesome.
We had a relaxing drive home, and just ate dinner out on our deck, with Richard’s sister and husband and grandson. There was a nice breeze blowing and it was not too hot. For our anniversary they shampooed all of our carpets, so we came home to a squeaky clean house with all of the wash done. They will be moving into their home this week (They just moved her from burr cold so Dakota) They have been such great house guests that we may make them stay here a little longer…..
Anyway last week I manifested a great anniversary. And all of my dreams came true… Now its time to go back to work; think I will continue to manifest a perfect magical week at work. Today I am just perfectly grateful!
Here is a sampling of pictures:
Magical Weekend
It started Friday, I had a session with my shaman /life coach ( Which helped me heal some stress and release some negative, thinking and feeling. She lives in Black Mountain which is outside of Asheville. The energy there feels as good as it does near any vortex like Sedona. Just the drive there along brings with it a positive charge. My best friend of 25 years went and had a session too, and while she did, I sat and breathed in the mountain air and shopped in a healing place and made new friends, and journaled and released and it was all good. We had a Tai dinner, which we found synchronistically, and then stayed in this delightful bed and breakfast in the mountains, while we solved some more problems of the world sitting on rocking chairs on a balcony looking out over the mountains.
Now all of that was perfect, but it got better. I met my husband south of Asheville for our maiden voyage in our new camping get up. He manages a pool there, which gave us a great place to leave the car without me coming all the way home. We then journey our way up to the Smokey’s, near Cherokee., and the magic erupted. There were so many little absolutely perfect moments, that I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. Not sure how we were so blessed with such a wonderful series of little miracles.
Most places were booked for the weekend or required a minimum of three nights. This place had one spot left, and it has a perfect spot with a great view of the mountains. The campground was quiet and nice; the showers were so clean you could have eaten off the floor of them. We got our stuff set up. First time we have gone since selling the motor home and buying the little van. It was a blast.
Saturday we went to a Pow Wow on the reservation, where they had traditional dance contests. (Tribal Indian Dances) It was mesmerizing. It was crowded because it was the fourth, however we found a parking spot right across the street. It was along a creek, and we got our feet wet and watched the tubers. We left before the fireworks started; partially to avoid the traffic and partially to watch the race. (yes we had a cable hook up at our campsite.) But if you know us, you know that fourth of July for us for many many many years was going to Daytona to the race, Then to our delight, the top of the fireworks burst forth just about the mountain in the distance and it was perfect.
In the mountains it gets cool, so we both slept like babies in our conversion van. And we knew this was another great anniversary. I thought I was so cool for getting Richard 17 presents: one for each year of our marriage. But he out did me. He got me an experience.
He bought us a portable hammock, which he set up in out gazebo / tent and brought a palm tree and a rug from home, and my favorite pillow. He even brought his “tux T shirt” to play the part. He wanted to serve me martinis, but ended up doing it for breakfast and served me coffee. I spent the whole afternoon there reading a book. (Haven’t done that in ages) They said it was to storm all day, but didn’t … we managed to hike to 4 waterfalls and walk about 3 miles along the best sounding and smelling creeks first. It rained when we got back, but we didn’t get wet. And the thunderstorm didn’t come till we were asleep, and it sounded awesome.
We had a relaxing drive home, and just ate dinner out on our deck, with Richard’s sister and husband and grandson. There was a nice breeze blowing and it was not too hot. For our anniversary they shampooed all of our carpets, so we came home to a squeaky clean house with all of the wash done. They will be moving into their home this week (They just moved her from burr cold so Dakota) They have been such great house guests that we may make them stay here a little longer…..
Anyway last week I manifested a great anniversary. And all of my dreams came true… Now its time to go back to work; think I will continue to manifest a perfect magical week at work. Today I am just perfectly grateful!
Here is a sampling of pictures:
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Be Open: love pickles
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Saturday I went to an energy healing workshop, not having any real expectations; But wanting to go to the next level of my journey.
The facilitator was the pet healer who helped us with Gus (you can read about that back in the November / December blogs)
We had a great time learning, then we spent a few hours working with a horse of hers who was having some medical problems, doing energy work and sending healing to her (Zanta) (A very wonderful experience in itself)
Then she did some one to one healing for each of us, which included an image that she saw when she worked on us individually. As she went around the room, there were some wonderful images. (like of fairies, and mother nature etc)
When she came to me, my picture was that of a pickle. She said I had pickle energy. (A Pickle for god’s sake) What the h….. am I going to do with pickle energy.
So I came home and researched the spiritual meaning of a pickle….. not so much out there on that… and certainly nothing I could resonate with. But decided to sit in it and trust it. I often am too quick to react, and am learning that being a slow processor is actually very beneficial.
So I am pickle energy. What has come to me is that “pickles transform” and that the process of pickling delays decay. Cucumbers are good nutritious food… but don’t last long. Pickles however have longevity to them and add spice and flavor to a meal. The process of pickling, may have a tartness to it, but the change in PH can promote more healing than anything acidic.
Vinegar takes something very good and makes it better, and keeps it from decaying and aging. I am a transformer, and a healer. And if I am in your life, you may have to acquire a taste for me, and I may be tart. But if you hang with me, we will transform the world, give it flavor and keep it from dying
Saturday I went to an energy healing workshop, not having any real expectations; But wanting to go to the next level of my journey.
The facilitator was the pet healer who helped us with Gus (you can read about that back in the November / December blogs)
We had a great time learning, then we spent a few hours working with a horse of hers who was having some medical problems, doing energy work and sending healing to her (Zanta) (A very wonderful experience in itself)
Then she did some one to one healing for each of us, which included an image that she saw when she worked on us individually. As she went around the room, there were some wonderful images. (like of fairies, and mother nature etc)
When she came to me, my picture was that of a pickle. She said I had pickle energy. (A Pickle for god’s sake) What the h….. am I going to do with pickle energy.
So I came home and researched the spiritual meaning of a pickle….. not so much out there on that… and certainly nothing I could resonate with. But decided to sit in it and trust it. I often am too quick to react, and am learning that being a slow processor is actually very beneficial.
So I am pickle energy. What has come to me is that “pickles transform” and that the process of pickling delays decay. Cucumbers are good nutritious food… but don’t last long. Pickles however have longevity to them and add spice and flavor to a meal. The process of pickling, may have a tartness to it, but the change in PH can promote more healing than anything acidic.
Vinegar takes something very good and makes it better, and keeps it from decaying and aging. I am a transformer, and a healer. And if I am in your life, you may have to acquire a taste for me, and I may be tart. But if you hang with me, we will transform the world, give it flavor and keep it from dying
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
One person can make a difference!
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Hopelessness ………. HOPE…. Making a difference!
It only takes a moment… to change directions, to change an attitude to change a thought, to change a feeling… Now ultimately we are all responsible for how we think, how we feel and what we do. But the reality is that one person can trigger that in another. One word one look, one action can take a person from feeling great to feeling awful. We can all name a hundred of those moments. We also forget that we have the ability to trigger the good change as well.
Last week I had a patient tell me that everyone else in their life had given up on them, and that they were thinking about giving up on themselves, but decided not to, because I had looked in their eyes and said,: “I think you can do it this time; it doesn’t matter how many time you fall down, it only matters that you get back up”.
That reminded me of a moment in my life, when everyone had given up on me. And I was as hopeless as they come. (As hopeless as I have seen anyone of my patients) And one person was sent to me (….by the great spirit…) who believed in me when no one else was.
It took one person, one connection, one moment that allowed me to make a choice and say: …….I can do it.
Yesterday I was having a bad day… and one person, one nurse who saw this, and with one choice of hers, touched my heart and turned my day around.
I was inspired again, and grateful and energized to believe in the impossible, to believe in miracles to believe in the hopeless.
One moment, one choice, one thought, one deed at a time, touching one person at a time, we can change the world.
Never loose hope that you can make a difference!
Never stop believing in the impossible, in the hopeless.
You have the power to make a difference. One choice, one thought, one feeling one action at a time.
Hopelessness is not an option. Hope is what the world is made of. It is one of the most important ingredient in everything else (love, peace happiness joy)
Hopelessness ………. HOPE…. Making a difference!
It only takes a moment… to change directions, to change an attitude to change a thought, to change a feeling… Now ultimately we are all responsible for how we think, how we feel and what we do. But the reality is that one person can trigger that in another. One word one look, one action can take a person from feeling great to feeling awful. We can all name a hundred of those moments. We also forget that we have the ability to trigger the good change as well.
Last week I had a patient tell me that everyone else in their life had given up on them, and that they were thinking about giving up on themselves, but decided not to, because I had looked in their eyes and said,: “I think you can do it this time; it doesn’t matter how many time you fall down, it only matters that you get back up”.
That reminded me of a moment in my life, when everyone had given up on me. And I was as hopeless as they come. (As hopeless as I have seen anyone of my patients) And one person was sent to me (….by the great spirit…) who believed in me when no one else was.
It took one person, one connection, one moment that allowed me to make a choice and say: …….I can do it.
Yesterday I was having a bad day… and one person, one nurse who saw this, and with one choice of hers, touched my heart and turned my day around.
I was inspired again, and grateful and energized to believe in the impossible, to believe in miracles to believe in the hopeless.
One moment, one choice, one thought, one deed at a time, touching one person at a time, we can change the world.
Never loose hope that you can make a difference!
Never stop believing in the impossible, in the hopeless.
You have the power to make a difference. One choice, one thought, one feeling one action at a time.
Hopelessness is not an option. Hope is what the world is made of. It is one of the most important ingredient in everything else (love, peace happiness joy)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
exceeding expectations
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Last night we went to the Billy Joel and Elton John concert:
They started out just the two of them on the two pianos. Then Elton did a set with his band and then Billy Joel did a set with his band, and then they came back together with both bands. Whew. Wow!
After the Eagles concert, with the great seats we had, I wasn't too sure about this.
Our seats were not as good as the Eagles, and actually cost more. And the evening started out with Rich's Vet over heating, for some unknown sudden reason. So wondering if we were even going to get home was an issue.
But Rich had an awesome attitude about it, and even brought glow sticks for all the people in our section. (PS we started out with dinner downtown at a really nice restaurant, compliments of the Rileys: our Christmas gift certificate present from them) Our nice waiter found a jug for us to fill rich's car up with water so we could make it to the arena. Red Rocks cafe: Pretty good food.
Anyway: we were surprised by the young people sitting around us. These guys (Elton and Billy are our age for goodness sake)
And then the music started. I can tell you these guys sounded better than any album. record or cd I have ever heard. The acoustics and the sound equipment was unbelievable. I never fully appreciated their talent till this show.
One observation was: Billy played piano, harmonica, guitar and twirled and danced with a microphone, and he was great, but you could tell he has aged, and it was a bit of a work for him. Perspiring; I think he might not have been feeling well.
Elton played effortlessly, and was having a blast. Both went down and shook the hands of their fans during the concert.
It was just a wonderful concert.
When my kids were small, during a very dark time in my life, I remember driving and my kids seeing snow for the first time in the nc mountains. And Bennie and the jets was playing. We sang at the top of our lungs, and since that day the song has always been "Benji and the jets" And that day and that moment was not so dark. Here is a little clip:
We did get home ok, A nice man at the parking garage helped us find some water. We think the thermostat just got stuck. So glad we remained grateful and had a good time anyway. It all is as it is suppose to be. We are so blessed to have the experinces we do!
Last night we went to the Billy Joel and Elton John concert:
They started out just the two of them on the two pianos. Then Elton did a set with his band and then Billy Joel did a set with his band, and then they came back together with both bands. Whew. Wow!
After the Eagles concert, with the great seats we had, I wasn't too sure about this.
Our seats were not as good as the Eagles, and actually cost more. And the evening started out with Rich's Vet over heating, for some unknown sudden reason. So wondering if we were even going to get home was an issue.
But Rich had an awesome attitude about it, and even brought glow sticks for all the people in our section. (PS we started out with dinner downtown at a really nice restaurant, compliments of the Rileys: our Christmas gift certificate present from them) Our nice waiter found a jug for us to fill rich's car up with water so we could make it to the arena. Red Rocks cafe: Pretty good food.
Anyway: we were surprised by the young people sitting around us. These guys (Elton and Billy are our age for goodness sake)
And then the music started. I can tell you these guys sounded better than any album. record or cd I have ever heard. The acoustics and the sound equipment was unbelievable. I never fully appreciated their talent till this show.
One observation was: Billy played piano, harmonica, guitar and twirled and danced with a microphone, and he was great, but you could tell he has aged, and it was a bit of a work for him. Perspiring; I think he might not have been feeling well.
Elton played effortlessly, and was having a blast. Both went down and shook the hands of their fans during the concert.
It was just a wonderful concert.
When my kids were small, during a very dark time in my life, I remember driving and my kids seeing snow for the first time in the nc mountains. And Bennie and the jets was playing. We sang at the top of our lungs, and since that day the song has always been "Benji and the jets" And that day and that moment was not so dark. Here is a little clip:
We did get home ok, A nice man at the parking garage helped us find some water. We think the thermostat just got stuck. So glad we remained grateful and had a good time anyway. It all is as it is suppose to be. We are so blessed to have the experinces we do!
Billy Joel,
Elton John,
exceeding expectations,
good music,
Friday, March 6, 2009
Being open
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake

I just went on a cruise with my best friend of 25 years: a silver anniversary cruise of sorts. (and our wonderful musician husbands)
It was not at all what we had planned. Many things went a different direction from our original course, but from a healing, life changing perspective it was wonderful.
The biggest thing I got from the cruise was the need to care for ones body. Had some life changing acupuncture, at the spa. My friend and I left the ship with a new commitment to care for our physical body.
Another moment was meeting two Rastafarian's in Jamaica. One was a christian Rastafarian, and the other was a non christian Rastafarian. But both very much healers. It was a lesson in perspective, and in seeing the similarities and the differences in people. Different beliefs, looking the same, acting similar, getting along, working well together bringing about the same common goal, yet being so different in beliefs. It was the highlight of our cruise. They played reggae music, fed us local herb tea and fresh fruits, taught us a new craft, and shared a walk through these magnificent gardens, and touched our hearts forever.
We were suppose to go to the Caymans, but the wind was too strong to anchor, so we had to by pass it, but there was so many other awesome moments that it didn't matter.
I was open, we were open to possibilities, and that was all we needed for the miracles to happen. Be open to new experiences: be open to life taking you in different directions: be open to people who are different than you: Be open to discovering your own vulnerabilities and issues: Be open to change: just be open. It truly is when the miracles occur. Being open allows grand gratefulness.
PS Celebrity cruise lines are the best we have had so far.
I just went on a cruise with my best friend of 25 years: a silver anniversary cruise of sorts. (and our wonderful musician husbands)
It was not at all what we had planned. Many things went a different direction from our original course, but from a healing, life changing perspective it was wonderful.
The biggest thing I got from the cruise was the need to care for ones body. Had some life changing acupuncture, at the spa. My friend and I left the ship with a new commitment to care for our physical body.
Another moment was meeting two Rastafarian's in Jamaica. One was a christian Rastafarian, and the other was a non christian Rastafarian. But both very much healers. It was a lesson in perspective, and in seeing the similarities and the differences in people. Different beliefs, looking the same, acting similar, getting along, working well together bringing about the same common goal, yet being so different in beliefs. It was the highlight of our cruise. They played reggae music, fed us local herb tea and fresh fruits, taught us a new craft, and shared a walk through these magnificent gardens, and touched our hearts forever.
We were suppose to go to the Caymans, but the wind was too strong to anchor, so we had to by pass it, but there was so many other awesome moments that it didn't matter.
I was open, we were open to possibilities, and that was all we needed for the miracles to happen. Be open to new experiences: be open to life taking you in different directions: be open to people who are different than you: Be open to discovering your own vulnerabilities and issues: Be open to change: just be open. It truly is when the miracles occur. Being open allows grand gratefulness.
PS Celebrity cruise lines are the best we have had so far.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
You don’t have to dream for dreams to come true
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
You don’t have to dream for dreams to come true, you simply have to be grateful.
That is pretty much all I have to say. I found myself saying this, and realized that I do not spend as much time daydreaming, and yet, it feels like more dreams are coming true.
What it feels like is: The more I feel grateful, (not just think or act grateful) but actually feel grateful, the more blessings come our way.
I put far more energy into the present moment, than I ever have, and feel good about that.
I guess I still dream, but my dreams are about today not about tomorrow. Today I want to make a difference, Today I want to feel peaceful, Today I want to have fun. And I do. And things just happen that make the future hopeful and exciting. I stumble upon a good travel deal or a good idea. That if it happens it’s great and if it doesn’t it is great because all things are exactly as they are suppose to be.
What it feels like is: I am feeling so overwhelmingly grateful for all I have and think I can’t possibly feel any better, and then universe, the angels, the guides, spirit, God says: “Well let me show you that I am so much more than that, so I am going to give you more”. I used to think that getting quiet once a day was the key to a good life. Now I am thinking that getting quiet is about emptying the cup of the negative; releasing the toxins and then filling it back up with love forgiveness and gratefulness.
So continue to have dreams, but instead of dreaming, be grateful, feel it from your toes to your nose.
You don’t have to dream for dreams to come true, you simply have to be grateful.
That is pretty much all I have to say. I found myself saying this, and realized that I do not spend as much time daydreaming, and yet, it feels like more dreams are coming true.
What it feels like is: The more I feel grateful, (not just think or act grateful) but actually feel grateful, the more blessings come our way.
I put far more energy into the present moment, than I ever have, and feel good about that.
I guess I still dream, but my dreams are about today not about tomorrow. Today I want to make a difference, Today I want to feel peaceful, Today I want to have fun. And I do. And things just happen that make the future hopeful and exciting. I stumble upon a good travel deal or a good idea. That if it happens it’s great and if it doesn’t it is great because all things are exactly as they are suppose to be.
What it feels like is: I am feeling so overwhelmingly grateful for all I have and think I can’t possibly feel any better, and then universe, the angels, the guides, spirit, God says: “Well let me show you that I am so much more than that, so I am going to give you more”. I used to think that getting quiet once a day was the key to a good life. Now I am thinking that getting quiet is about emptying the cup of the negative; releasing the toxins and then filling it back up with love forgiveness and gratefulness.
So continue to have dreams, but instead of dreaming, be grateful, feel it from your toes to your nose.
Monday, February 2, 2009
blinded by your sight
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and JakeBlinded by your sight.
This weekend my daughter and I went to the DIALOGUE IN THE DARK EXHIBIT. In Atlanta Georgia.
It was a very moving life changing experience. You are ushered into a room with 10-12 strangers, and given a 5 minute introduction, and a cane. Then the lights slowly dim until you are sitting in complete darkness, with no sense of light anywhere. For the next hour you are then guided ()very loose description) through many rooms, by another blind person. Now by guided they mean “given some direction by.” What you are doing is actually using your senses and your cane to get from point a to point b and trying to observe information about the journey while you move. Now of course you are bumping into things and people , all while feeling a range of emotions. There is a grocery store, an out doors experience a boat ride, that included walking a ramp onto the boat, maneuvering through traffic, and finally ordering a drink and paying for it, with real money, (in the dark). (with no one holding your hand or helping you).
My daughter and I had quite different experiences. But the things we learned about ourselves was very intense. The way I handled this hour of complete darkness is much how I handle life. I was so determined to be successful fearlessly and get from point a to point b without feeling fear, I missed the actual experience. In the traffic situation , the sound of the traffic was so loud and I felt over stimulated, so I turned it all off To get to where I was going. (In real life, I would have been killed because I turned it all off.) I did not feel half the stuff in the nature room or the grocery story or other places. I was just trying to get to the place I was going to. The guide said that sometimes sighted people are blinded by their sight. They miss so much in life because they become so dependent on what they see, that they stop feeling and knowing and hearing, and stop using any of the other senses. I would like to do it again, and this time just go with the flow.
I think the healer in me gets so fixated on being a light, that I forget the balance and beauty of dark. When it is dark, you no longer can trust in the traditional. You have to trust in the unseen, the spiritual the energy of life, yourself.
My goal for the day and tomorrow and this week is to be fully present in my body. To be aware of what I see, what I hear, what I smell what I taste and what I feel, and mostly what I know to be true just because I am aware in that moment. I will be grateful for my sight, and periodically shut my eyes to see if what I am seeing is real! For more information on the exhibit:
This weekend my daughter and I went to the DIALOGUE IN THE DARK EXHIBIT. In Atlanta Georgia.
It was a very moving life changing experience. You are ushered into a room with 10-12 strangers, and given a 5 minute introduction, and a cane. Then the lights slowly dim until you are sitting in complete darkness, with no sense of light anywhere. For the next hour you are then guided ()very loose description) through many rooms, by another blind person. Now by guided they mean “given some direction by.” What you are doing is actually using your senses and your cane to get from point a to point b and trying to observe information about the journey while you move. Now of course you are bumping into things and people , all while feeling a range of emotions. There is a grocery store, an out doors experience a boat ride, that included walking a ramp onto the boat, maneuvering through traffic, and finally ordering a drink and paying for it, with real money, (in the dark). (with no one holding your hand or helping you).
My daughter and I had quite different experiences. But the things we learned about ourselves was very intense. The way I handled this hour of complete darkness is much how I handle life. I was so determined to be successful fearlessly and get from point a to point b without feeling fear, I missed the actual experience. In the traffic situation , the sound of the traffic was so loud and I felt over stimulated, so I turned it all off To get to where I was going. (In real life, I would have been killed because I turned it all off.) I did not feel half the stuff in the nature room or the grocery story or other places. I was just trying to get to the place I was going to. The guide said that sometimes sighted people are blinded by their sight. They miss so much in life because they become so dependent on what they see, that they stop feeling and knowing and hearing, and stop using any of the other senses. I would like to do it again, and this time just go with the flow.
I think the healer in me gets so fixated on being a light, that I forget the balance and beauty of dark. When it is dark, you no longer can trust in the traditional. You have to trust in the unseen, the spiritual the energy of life, yourself.
My goal for the day and tomorrow and this week is to be fully present in my body. To be aware of what I see, what I hear, what I smell what I taste and what I feel, and mostly what I know to be true just because I am aware in that moment. I will be grateful for my sight, and periodically shut my eyes to see if what I am seeing is real! For more information on the exhibit:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
happy music
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
If you want to feel good...listen to this:
This is a You Tube video about 2 guys who went around the world getting street singers to all sing the same song, and then they dubbed them all together into one version of that song. Feel good....
If you want to feel good...listen to this:
This is a You Tube video about 2 guys who went around the world getting street singers to all sing the same song, and then they dubbed them all together into one version of that song. Feel good....
Friday, January 23, 2009
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Short blog for all of you who have asked. Gus's lump has gone away. Took him to our vet, who treated it holistically. 10 days later the lump was gone.
He continues to be sweet and adorable. He sleeps with us again. And I am peaceful with him.
My face heals, and the numb area is decreasing a little each week.
Still looking for that right trainer.
Short blog for all of you who have asked. Gus's lump has gone away. Took him to our vet, who treated it holistically. 10 days later the lump was gone.
He continues to be sweet and adorable. He sleeps with us again. And I am peaceful with him.
My face heals, and the numb area is decreasing a little each week.
Still looking for that right trainer.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
if you are having fun you don’t grow old
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Sometimes we have moments we all want to remember.
Then we don’t. We forget. (Till something else comes along and reminds us of it.)
Well last night I had a moment that I wanted to remember.
A little history: Rich periodically will put on his Eagles CD and turn it up and there are one or two songs on the album that when I hear them, I always stop what I am doing and come find him. (And we dance and hum and feel grateful) Link is at end of email, and on link list.
Well during one of those moments I had a great idea. I would get Richard tickets to the concert, for Christmas. So I did, and we went last night
During the concert I was just overwhelmed with gratefulness that I got to experience such a great thing. Now these guys have been around since we were young. And each has done something unique on their own: Tim B Schmidt, Glen Frey, Don Henley, and my favorite Joe Walsh. And yet, still get along, still play music, and still do it so good.(and do it sober now) I mean they do it in a way that just makes you go wow. It was at that moment that I was so grateful for growing up in the generation I did with the music we did. I am grateful for the times of being a band groupie. I am grateful for the number of family and friends who love music, and I am grateful just for friends and family and for experiences throughout our lives. We are so lucky to have had and do have on a regular basis, such joy. It was a moment in time that I wish we could have shared. It was a feeling that I wanted to come home and put into words, and say: “NEVER EVER settle for anything less than that joy”. I am so blessed so fortunate to have so much joy, at home, with our dogs, with our family with our friends, at work, at play when we sleep, and just anytime we breathe.
Now most of you know that we have known pain. And we have known loss and suffering and heartaches and feelings of failure. We have fallen down and have gotten back up, and we both have been determined over our lives to find that constant sense of peace, of joy: effortless joy.
Maybe when you get old your values change, your desires change, perception changes. But for now life is good, we feel joy. We love all that has been given to us or loaned to us. Not sure when we will have to give it back. But for now, I am just grateful for the feelings. Wish you all could have been there with us…Wish you all have those moments where you just feel high from raw gratefulness and joy. WE wish you:
and for those of you who have never had a song dedicated to ya.. from the good ole days: FUNK 49
Moral of the story… if you are having fun you don’t grow old. And if you do get old, you don’t notice and you don’t care. I think it is all more fun when you are 60!
Sometimes we have moments we all want to remember.
Then we don’t. We forget. (Till something else comes along and reminds us of it.)
Well last night I had a moment that I wanted to remember.
A little history: Rich periodically will put on his Eagles CD and turn it up and there are one or two songs on the album that when I hear them, I always stop what I am doing and come find him. (And we dance and hum and feel grateful) Link is at end of email, and on link list.
Well during one of those moments I had a great idea. I would get Richard tickets to the concert, for Christmas. So I did, and we went last night
During the concert I was just overwhelmed with gratefulness that I got to experience such a great thing. Now these guys have been around since we were young. And each has done something unique on their own: Tim B Schmidt, Glen Frey, Don Henley, and my favorite Joe Walsh. And yet, still get along, still play music, and still do it so good.(and do it sober now) I mean they do it in a way that just makes you go wow. It was at that moment that I was so grateful for growing up in the generation I did with the music we did. I am grateful for the times of being a band groupie. I am grateful for the number of family and friends who love music, and I am grateful just for friends and family and for experiences throughout our lives. We are so lucky to have had and do have on a regular basis, such joy. It was a moment in time that I wish we could have shared. It was a feeling that I wanted to come home and put into words, and say: “NEVER EVER settle for anything less than that joy”. I am so blessed so fortunate to have so much joy, at home, with our dogs, with our family with our friends, at work, at play when we sleep, and just anytime we breathe.
Now most of you know that we have known pain. And we have known loss and suffering and heartaches and feelings of failure. We have fallen down and have gotten back up, and we both have been determined over our lives to find that constant sense of peace, of joy: effortless joy.
Maybe when you get old your values change, your desires change, perception changes. But for now life is good, we feel joy. We love all that has been given to us or loaned to us. Not sure when we will have to give it back. But for now, I am just grateful for the feelings. Wish you all could have been there with us…Wish you all have those moments where you just feel high from raw gratefulness and joy. WE wish you:
and for those of you who have never had a song dedicated to ya.. from the good ole days: FUNK 49
Moral of the story… if you are having fun you don’t grow old. And if you do get old, you don’t notice and you don’t care. I think it is all more fun when you are 60!
moments to remember,
The Eagles
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Contender
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
After writing the last blog I re watched the DVD “THE CONTENDER” with Gary Oldman, Joan Allen, Jeff Bridges and Christian Slater. It was about a female being asked to be a vice presidential candidate and what she had to go through to be approved.
The reviews of the movie were bad (made in 2000) but I found it to be an excellent example of “not reacting”. She was accused of horrendous things, but didn’t react. Instead she took a stand by saying “no comment” I couldn’t imagine the strength it took for her not to react with rage. But after watching it twice, I feel nothing but respect for the character she portrayed. I would encourage any of you reading this, who wants to be challenged by an idealistic portrayal of our politics. It inspired strength in me.
On another note I am always amazed by the things that come out of my mouth that later I regret. And the time I spend beating myself up, and then realizing I was simply reacting to things that are deep seated and obscure. I believe in this non anxious parasympathetic nervous system state of calm and peace, but continue to live in an impulsive reactive state. I then spend endless amounts of energy and time wondering: “where in the hell did that come from?”.
Then I realize AGAIN, that all things are as they are supposed to be. And the comment was meant to be said, and I am meant to become aware of a feeling and a past situation that contributed to the feeling, and then I am allowed to choose to continue in that feeling or not. And it is only possible to return to peace and calm and quiet by being quiet and peaceful.
Simultaneously I am struggling with the concept of “fighting”. Is that an old energy, and is there a time and place for it any where in today’s society?
I am conditioned to think there are certain things worth fighting for, but I am wondering if there is a difference between things worth fighting for, and things worth dying for. Some of my mentors imply that fighting is an obsolete effort, and that power now comes through peace and love. If that be the case, why does there continue to be so much violence in the animal kingdom?
After writing the last blog I re watched the DVD “THE CONTENDER” with Gary Oldman, Joan Allen, Jeff Bridges and Christian Slater. It was about a female being asked to be a vice presidential candidate and what she had to go through to be approved.
The reviews of the movie were bad (made in 2000) but I found it to be an excellent example of “not reacting”. She was accused of horrendous things, but didn’t react. Instead she took a stand by saying “no comment” I couldn’t imagine the strength it took for her not to react with rage. But after watching it twice, I feel nothing but respect for the character she portrayed. I would encourage any of you reading this, who wants to be challenged by an idealistic portrayal of our politics. It inspired strength in me.
On another note I am always amazed by the things that come out of my mouth that later I regret. And the time I spend beating myself up, and then realizing I was simply reacting to things that are deep seated and obscure. I believe in this non anxious parasympathetic nervous system state of calm and peace, but continue to live in an impulsive reactive state. I then spend endless amounts of energy and time wondering: “where in the hell did that come from?”.
Then I realize AGAIN, that all things are as they are supposed to be. And the comment was meant to be said, and I am meant to become aware of a feeling and a past situation that contributed to the feeling, and then I am allowed to choose to continue in that feeling or not. And it is only possible to return to peace and calm and quiet by being quiet and peaceful.
Simultaneously I am struggling with the concept of “fighting”. Is that an old energy, and is there a time and place for it any where in today’s society?
I am conditioned to think there are certain things worth fighting for, but I am wondering if there is a difference between things worth fighting for, and things worth dying for. Some of my mentors imply that fighting is an obsolete effort, and that power now comes through peace and love. If that be the case, why does there continue to be so much violence in the animal kingdom?
It all is as it is suppose to be.
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
It all is as it is suppose to be.
I have been processing the concept of reaction. What is a reaction? A reaction is the body’s way of communicating with you. And when we react, we need to listen.
One of mentors spent forever trying to get me “out of my head” and into my body. She kept saying: listen to your body.
As I have been doing that, I am beginning to get the sense that a reaction serves two purposes.
One is a red flag that we still have an issue to process from our past. And two it is a spiritual warning that there is something in your immediate present that is a threat to you.
Either one takes your power from you. Now I do not think we have control over the actual reaction. But I think we have absolute control over the intensity of the reaction and the action that we assign to that reaction.
Reactions are usually a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) response that can be reversed with a parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response. To make it simple SNS speeds things up. You feel stress, your heart speeds up, your blood pressure goes up, you feel anxious and you suffer the long term consequences of stress. PNS slows things down allowing a feeling of peace and calm.
Triggering the PBS takes practice. Things like yoga, breathing, meditating and other QUIET activities foster PNS outcomes. Practicing PNS behaviors allows one to regain control over SNS quicker and easier.
Now for those of you who need to think through things… thinking is far more rational when the PNS is in control. (the peaceful pondering) Thinking through a situation while your heart is beating wildly, rarely produces intelligent behaviors.
So as you find yourself in a situation, where you want to react. Sit calmly, breathe and allow it to be as it is suppose to be. Do not react in SNS state; react with calm and thought and peace.
If you have read the previous blogs about gus….then you might find this interesting:
A SNS reaction would have been to put him down (fear). However…. Last night we found a large lump in gus's neck area last night.. we are not sure how long it has been there.. but if it was there in november.. it would surely explain his reaction to me...will keep you posted…….
It all is as it is suppose to be.
I have been processing the concept of reaction. What is a reaction? A reaction is the body’s way of communicating with you. And when we react, we need to listen.
One of mentors spent forever trying to get me “out of my head” and into my body. She kept saying: listen to your body.
As I have been doing that, I am beginning to get the sense that a reaction serves two purposes.
One is a red flag that we still have an issue to process from our past. And two it is a spiritual warning that there is something in your immediate present that is a threat to you.
Either one takes your power from you. Now I do not think we have control over the actual reaction. But I think we have absolute control over the intensity of the reaction and the action that we assign to that reaction.
Reactions are usually a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) response that can be reversed with a parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response. To make it simple SNS speeds things up. You feel stress, your heart speeds up, your blood pressure goes up, you feel anxious and you suffer the long term consequences of stress. PNS slows things down allowing a feeling of peace and calm.
Triggering the PBS takes practice. Things like yoga, breathing, meditating and other QUIET activities foster PNS outcomes. Practicing PNS behaviors allows one to regain control over SNS quicker and easier.
Now for those of you who need to think through things… thinking is far more rational when the PNS is in control. (the peaceful pondering) Thinking through a situation while your heart is beating wildly, rarely produces intelligent behaviors.
So as you find yourself in a situation, where you want to react. Sit calmly, breathe and allow it to be as it is suppose to be. Do not react in SNS state; react with calm and thought and peace.
If you have read the previous blogs about gus….then you might find this interesting:
A SNS reaction would have been to put him down (fear). However…. Last night we found a large lump in gus's neck area last night.. we are not sure how long it has been there.. but if it was there in november.. it would surely explain his reaction to me...will keep you posted…….
Monday, January 5, 2009
Paradox: Never settle, but always be satisfied
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Paradox: Never settle, but always be satisfied
I am always amazed by the duality of life. When I wrote the book “If you stand in the middle you won’t fall down”, I pictured a seesaw. My image of the seesaw was all about managing the ups and downs of life. My original premise was that if you let go of what you could not control and took on responsibility for what you did (your own thoughts, feelings and behavior) life would be balanced and good. (And that is still true today)
Today the image and function of a seesaw continues to have meaning. I am now, not only finding the balance between polar opposites but am I learning to live with them both simultaneously.
I went to bed asking in prayer for wisdom from my higher power. I woke up today with this thought on my mind. What first came to me was: Never settle, but always be satisfied. Believe you can have it all, but be happy with what you have. Dream big, but live simply.
Over my life time I have lived at those polar ends. I have settled, and found misery lingering about. And at other times I have worked long and hard to have it all, desperately falling short in a state of fatigue. But now it seems that the less I do the more I have. It is about being not about doing.
I want less stuff and more memories. I want more life, less stress. I am still, but I am experiencing more. Let me say that again. I am still but I am experiencing more. Being “still” is about knowing what you want, and weeding out all of the things you think you want, but really don’t. Being still is about moving forward in a different direction. There is nothing more powerful than being still and being quiet. The paradox is that when you begin a day with a list of endless things to do, and unrealistic demands from those around you, that more gets done, and more quality surrounds those tasks.
Today, if you are reading this, and you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do; then do nothing for a few minutes except get quiet, be grateful, and be fully present in the moment.
The list doesn’t change, but the power the list has over you will. Then commit to having fun. You can only do what you can do, and it is all as it is suppose to be.
Paradox: Never settle, but always be satisfied
I am always amazed by the duality of life. When I wrote the book “If you stand in the middle you won’t fall down”, I pictured a seesaw. My image of the seesaw was all about managing the ups and downs of life. My original premise was that if you let go of what you could not control and took on responsibility for what you did (your own thoughts, feelings and behavior) life would be balanced and good. (And that is still true today)
Today the image and function of a seesaw continues to have meaning. I am now, not only finding the balance between polar opposites but am I learning to live with them both simultaneously.
I went to bed asking in prayer for wisdom from my higher power. I woke up today with this thought on my mind. What first came to me was: Never settle, but always be satisfied. Believe you can have it all, but be happy with what you have. Dream big, but live simply.
Over my life time I have lived at those polar ends. I have settled, and found misery lingering about. And at other times I have worked long and hard to have it all, desperately falling short in a state of fatigue. But now it seems that the less I do the more I have. It is about being not about doing.
I want less stuff and more memories. I want more life, less stress. I am still, but I am experiencing more. Let me say that again. I am still but I am experiencing more. Being “still” is about knowing what you want, and weeding out all of the things you think you want, but really don’t. Being still is about moving forward in a different direction. There is nothing more powerful than being still and being quiet. The paradox is that when you begin a day with a list of endless things to do, and unrealistic demands from those around you, that more gets done, and more quality surrounds those tasks.
Today, if you are reading this, and you feel overwhelmed with all you have to do; then do nothing for a few minutes except get quiet, be grateful, and be fully present in the moment.
The list doesn’t change, but the power the list has over you will. Then commit to having fun. You can only do what you can do, and it is all as it is suppose to be.
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