Find a partner and contract with them to improve your healing potential. Have them check in with you and your progress daily or weekly. Each day focus on a different aspect. These keys to healing have been studied and researched over the years by Eloise and Jake. Without then, healing is less available.
Your contract might sound something like this:
-I will listen to and care for and nourish my body with good food, good water, good movement, good rest and I will dance.
-I will express gratefulness, daily, I will laugh and provide joy to my 6 senses. I will create something daily.
-I will actively try to make a difference in someone’s life daily.
-I will forgive and love without judgment. I will let love guide my thoughts and my actions.
-I will be authentic and real, and be as honest as I am allowed to be, with love and kindness.
-I will get quiet and listen daily, and remember that I have ALL the answers inside of me; And I will trust that always.
-I will trust that all things are as they are suppose to be, and nothing is totally as it seems, (because it is much better)
-I will embrace the paradoxes of life and seek balance.
I will simplify and expand
I will be wild and still
I will dream and be satisfied
I will dance and rest
I will have fun and work hard
I will be connected and detached
I will be honest but kind
I will trust and I will question
I will live in the present but change the world.
I will join a group but remain an individual
I will be generous, but remain full
I will love unconditionally, but maintain boundaries
I will embrace illness and accept healing
I will remember that I am never alone: Eloise and Jake cheer you on. (
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010

In the world of psychology there is a concept known as the Johari window.( It explains that our mind / personality has four parts. (described as rooms of a house)
Room one is what we know and see about ourselves, and what others know about us.
Room two is what others know or see in us, but we are not aware of.
Room three is what neither others nor us know about ourselves.
Room four is what we know about ourselves but no one else does.
Exploring what is known about oneself, and comparing that to what others know about you is an interesting process, used in many leadership or team building programs.
Psychotherapy is a process of discovering more about ones self, both internally and externally.
I have heard many people say: How is therapy going to help me? It won't change any of my problems. But what it changes is an understanding of how they got into the situation and how personal choices impact others. That improved awareness then typically changes how one problems solves day to day events. And it almost always changes how a person copes with the same existing situation.
Looking at this model one will discover that at any given moment we really only know about half of what we need to know to make a good decision. Learning about the other half (what is not known at any given moment) might change the world, one thought at a time.
You don't have to go into therapy, to begin to learn more about yourself, You just have to be open, get quiet, listen to your own voice, begin to gather clues about what others see and know about you. This exercise is not for the weak or the faint hearted. But it is for those who want to move forward and evolve into all that is possible.
Knowing more about yourself and how you communicate and impact others, will ultimately assist you in improved communication, and getting your needs met more efficiently
There are many good articles on how to do that. (IE:
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Together All Things Are Possible
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
We all have bad days, and negative energy moments. However the difference between people is the ability to transform those moments into something good. How long does it take to forgive, or to resolve? There is no real rule book on this. However what i know to be true is that when you work through the negative energy with another it gets easier. If you fall out of love, reach out, there is someone that will help you fall back into love, and whether that is with your job, with a friend, with a family member or with a dream, partnering with someone makes it easier. No matter what the obstacle: Doing it TOGETHER: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
We all have bad days, and negative energy moments. However the difference between people is the ability to transform those moments into something good. How long does it take to forgive, or to resolve? There is no real rule book on this. However what i know to be true is that when you work through the negative energy with another it gets easier. If you fall out of love, reach out, there is someone that will help you fall back into love, and whether that is with your job, with a friend, with a family member or with a dream, partnering with someone makes it easier. No matter what the obstacle: Doing it TOGETHER: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Feeding your Dreams
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
I just spent a few days with some very successful business people. (at the solid cactus "Boot Camp"). They would ask me what business I was in and I would say, "I am in the business of HOPE." For a few moments they would be a little speechless, but then immediately, (rather than walking away, thinking she is a fruitloop)they started asking questions about how I was going to market that, and what package was I going to put that in? And offering great suggestions. I appreciated that. And it fed my dreams. I have spent much of my life having my dreams quelshed. But this time, I am determined to complete and feed this dream of mine, to spread cheer and joy about the universe. I am writing a second book that is about that process of believing that TOGETHER ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. So thanks Solid cactus for being part of my TOGETHER.
I just spent a few days with some very successful business people. (at the solid cactus "Boot Camp"). They would ask me what business I was in and I would say, "I am in the business of HOPE." For a few moments they would be a little speechless, but then immediately, (rather than walking away, thinking she is a fruitloop)they started asking questions about how I was going to market that, and what package was I going to put that in? And offering great suggestions. I appreciated that. And it fed my dreams. I have spent much of my life having my dreams quelshed. But this time, I am determined to complete and feed this dream of mine, to spread cheer and joy about the universe. I am writing a second book that is about that process of believing that TOGETHER ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. So thanks Solid cactus for being part of my TOGETHER.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
letting the hurt go
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
some one sent this to me today:
I am amazed at how difficult it is, and how long it takes to let go of hurt and remember, and celebrate joy and good times. IT's the good that needs to be remembered and the negative needs to just be blown away like the sand
some one sent this to me today:
I am amazed at how difficult it is, and how long it takes to let go of hurt and remember, and celebrate joy and good times. IT's the good that needs to be remembered and the negative needs to just be blown away like the sand
Friday, September 24, 2010
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Every professional should prioritize networking as an important and necessary feature of their own success. Being with other like minded individuals can show you what you are good at and simultaniously show you what areas you need to grow and improve.
I have learned the most at this conference from the lunches, and the conversations on the shuttle, and at dinner. This ability and willingness to socialize is a wonderfual way to learn and grow and problem solve.
You certainly can be successful as a loner, but sucess comes so much easier with connections to other people!
Every professional should prioritize networking as an important and necessary feature of their own success. Being with other like minded individuals can show you what you are good at and simultaniously show you what areas you need to grow and improve.
I have learned the most at this conference from the lunches, and the conversations on the shuttle, and at dinner. This ability and willingness to socialize is a wonderfual way to learn and grow and problem solve.
You certainly can be successful as a loner, but sucess comes so much easier with connections to other people!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Together All Things are Possible
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
It only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life. And that one person can create subtle partnerships for hope, for healing and for success. Eloise and Jake: (as most of you know) are fictitious characters, but they are representatives of real people and real stories. Eloise and Jake are now being infused with new life and revival.
They are in the process of creating a whole new purpose in life. Rather than just writing books; (Like "If you stand in the middle you won't fall down" and the new current one: "Finding the tribe: Together All things are Possible) Eloise and Jake are creating a whole new line of products, whose goals are "sharing hope" and "inspiring healing".
This has involved stepping outside of a comfort zone, of what is known into a world of what is not known. Right now I love my job, and love going to work. It is comfortable and known. But to be perfectly honest... some day I want to travel, and spend time with my grandchildren and friends and not be tied down to a nine to five job.
And now that I am used to a certain level of living (good income), I am not sure I want to go back to scrimping and struggling when I retire. So I asked the universe to show me possibilities.
At first I was a little frightened by the response, because it involved stepping out of my comfort zone, into E commerce. (Especially considering I am computer illiterate, and stumble through computer issues with great frustration and ..... well you know.)
But through a series of synchronistic events: (including my niece fronting me a great junk of change) I have ended up at a E commerce seminar through solid cactus. I am sitting in a room full of computer whizzes learning about seo's, meme's, linking, paperclips (not used for papers), (oops they are called paperclicks actually), (and after i posted this i realized it is not actually even paperclicks... it is pay for clicks: lol), branding (no cows involved) and I am as happy as pigs in a pile of.....well something.
I am convinced after a few days, that a good tribe is made up of at least two people who want to support each other in their journeys. And the more people you put in your tribe, the better chance you have of succeeding.
Eloise and Jake are now on a mission to create a tribe of people who TOGETHER can make big things happen....Thus: Together All Things Are Possible,
It only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life. And that one person can create subtle partnerships for hope, for healing and for success. Eloise and Jake: (as most of you know) are fictitious characters, but they are representatives of real people and real stories. Eloise and Jake are now being infused with new life and revival.
They are in the process of creating a whole new purpose in life. Rather than just writing books; (Like "If you stand in the middle you won't fall down" and the new current one: "Finding the tribe: Together All things are Possible) Eloise and Jake are creating a whole new line of products, whose goals are "sharing hope" and "inspiring healing".
This has involved stepping outside of a comfort zone, of what is known into a world of what is not known. Right now I love my job, and love going to work. It is comfortable and known. But to be perfectly honest... some day I want to travel, and spend time with my grandchildren and friends and not be tied down to a nine to five job.
And now that I am used to a certain level of living (good income), I am not sure I want to go back to scrimping and struggling when I retire. So I asked the universe to show me possibilities.
At first I was a little frightened by the response, because it involved stepping out of my comfort zone, into E commerce. (Especially considering I am computer illiterate, and stumble through computer issues with great frustration and ..... well you know.)
But through a series of synchronistic events: (including my niece fronting me a great junk of change) I have ended up at a E commerce seminar through solid cactus. I am sitting in a room full of computer whizzes learning about seo's, meme's, linking, paperclips (not used for papers), (oops they are called paperclicks actually), (and after i posted this i realized it is not actually even paperclicks... it is pay for clicks: lol), branding (no cows involved) and I am as happy as pigs in a pile of.....well something.
I am convinced after a few days, that a good tribe is made up of at least two people who want to support each other in their journeys. And the more people you put in your tribe, the better chance you have of succeeding.
Eloise and Jake are now on a mission to create a tribe of people who TOGETHER can make big things happen....Thus: Together All Things Are Possible,
comfort zone,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I am done with...
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
OK I have written this blog three times and keep loosing it it.
I dreamed last night that I died. I have never done that before. It was not scary or mystical or even frightening; it was simply a symbolic gesture of letting go of something in my life. Cool. I feel lighter today.
I think three very powerful words in our universe are "I AM DONE"
When they are said out loud, and with conviction, energy changes. Big Energy CHANGES. The challenge comes however in defining the specifics about what is finished.
Defining the "WITH" of I am done with_______ seems to make it happen.
Most of the time it relates to a struggle in one's life..... and being done with struggle always allows more room for joy.
Yesterday I heard someone say: . "NOTHING YOU TRULY WANT IS UPSTREAM; ITS ALL DOWNSTREAM" .. so try giving up the resistance and just float...downstream....
Be done with the fight, be done with anger, be done with self pity, be done with what ever is torturing you.. and then get happy, be playful and have a blast... and float and enjoy the ride!
OK I have written this blog three times and keep loosing it it.
I dreamed last night that I died. I have never done that before. It was not scary or mystical or even frightening; it was simply a symbolic gesture of letting go of something in my life. Cool. I feel lighter today.
I think three very powerful words in our universe are "I AM DONE"
When they are said out loud, and with conviction, energy changes. Big Energy CHANGES. The challenge comes however in defining the specifics about what is finished.
Defining the "WITH" of I am done with_______ seems to make it happen.
Most of the time it relates to a struggle in one's life..... and being done with struggle always allows more room for joy.
Yesterday I heard someone say: . "NOTHING YOU TRULY WANT IS UPSTREAM; ITS ALL DOWNSTREAM" .. so try giving up the resistance and just float...downstream....
Be done with the fight, be done with anger, be done with self pity, be done with what ever is torturing you.. and then get happy, be playful and have a blast... and float and enjoy the ride!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
to my girl.... today you wil be alive... and breathe.. and feel ... and see something in your world that most people will miss..
today another piece of pain will melt away..... today you will look at someone who has disappointed you.. and know that.. they simply just don't understand.... they haven't had the experiences you have.. and love in a very small guarded world....
you however have been beaten down, have gotten back up.. and know how precious life is.. for you today it will be about loving and forgiving and for reaching out your hand to someone else who is down...
Today... you will treat your five senses with miracles and beauty.. and today the heavens will open up and bless you!
I have witnessed your journey... and I celebrate with your angels that you were born... and that you are my friend
to my girl.... today you wil be alive... and breathe.. and feel ... and see something in your world that most people will miss..
today another piece of pain will melt away..... today you will look at someone who has disappointed you.. and know that.. they simply just don't understand.... they haven't had the experiences you have.. and love in a very small guarded world....
you however have been beaten down, have gotten back up.. and know how precious life is.. for you today it will be about loving and forgiving and for reaching out your hand to someone else who is down...
Today... you will treat your five senses with miracles and beauty.. and today the heavens will open up and bless you!
I have witnessed your journey... and I celebrate with your angels that you were born... and that you are my friend
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Flipping the coin
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Recently I attended this incredible family reunion. This family had not been together in about 15 years. Over half the attendees had not met before. (New spouses, new children etc) There were about 50 people there. It was a two day blast. I am still smiling looking at the over 800 pictures that were taken between everyone.
Right before the reunion the senior most member of our genetic tribe crossed over to the other side; which meant that myself, and my four older siblings were now the senior generation of this group.
So to celebrate this transition: At the reunion, we each took a turn sharing wisdom with the younger generation.
My Sister Virginia: the oldest, spoke about the cost of freedom, patriotism, speaking wisely and embracing opportunities.
My brother Myrle made reference to the ingredients of a family being more than just people being biologically related, and wanted to welcome all into the family, and acknowledging those that were not there.
Sandy shared some basic wisdom like: Live each day to its fullest – it may be your last.
If you can’t say something nice about someone – keep your mouth shut. Plan for a rainy day – it will happen. Life is not always fair – so suck it up and get over it. The words “please” and “thank you” are never out of date. Treat others how you want to be treated – with dignity, respect, and honesty. Keep a smile on your face and a sense of humor about you. Give more than you expect to receive. Don’t let your mind stagnate – learn something new each day. Take care of your body – eat well, exercise, and don’t abuse it.
Joan suggested we all look to our past and examine the legacy that has been left us. She acknowledged that what we think is wisdom as a child changes over time, and that most of us return to our roots as we get older; And how that wisdom of our parents has given her grace and peace as she ages.
And me? Well that’s the purpose of today’s blog: Here is what I said after having given everyone a penny:
“Take the penny and just place it down with whichever side up you want. Some were tails, and some were heads. She asked them to turn it over. And all in the group confirmed that each coin has two sides, a heads and a tails. And when one side is up, it does not make the other disappear. The focus however is only on what is seen.
Life is the same way. Every situation can be positive or negative. And most situations have the potential to be both. The wisdom I would like to share is that we all have a choice to flip our coin when ever we want to.
When something bad happens sad, traumatic, painful or destructive: it is exactly that. And compassion abounds freely for that.
However in every one of those circumstances there is a gift; and there is a way to flip the coin and take something awful and turn it into something good. It does not make the awful go away… it just puts the energy and focus on the good.
The wisdom of 13 years of dealing with people’s pain and trauma is that in EVERY single life event there is a gift.
Flipping the coin….. and finding the gift is often is what life is all about. Reaching down and finding the gratefulness for the gift, is the best way to flip the coin.
I am thankful always, that no matter what happens, there will always be a gift to find if I am persistent in looking for and finding it. SO get good at flipping the coin, and be thankful for ALL things.”
Well the funniest thing happened two days later. It was like it was a test. I do not really think the universe works that way, but it sure seems as if every time I make a resolve in life, I get tested.
Any way, I was so excited about taking my family to my favorite restaurant down at the beach. I eat there every time I go. I have thought about taking them all there for several years now. It sits out on the water, and when the sun sets it is just beautiful. We were all dressed up, and on the waiting list to be seated. There were 11 of us. We were told it would be a 20 minute wait….which turned into a 90 minute wait, while I watched another party as large as ours get seated, and they had come in after us. I tried to be composed and polite, as the tears ran down my cheek. I could not have my family wait any longer, so we left and decided in our dressed up gigs to have take out pizza. (Now one of our family members runs the pizza place, so it certainly helped her and her business.) The bill for pizza was certainly a lot less than it would have been for fine dining. And with all of that I was desperately trying to keep my coin flipped: With a good attitude, despite the fact that inside I was heart broken……Then it happened, I walked out to the parking lot of the pizza place, to find two of my grandchildren sitting in the back seat of my convertible ready to go for a ride in the wind. But that wasn’t what did it. It was the looks on their face. They both were sitting there with fireman hats on. While we were in ordering the pizza, a fire truck had pulled in. And if that was not a enough, one of the fireman had come over to talk to these two 5 and 6 year olds. They were just glowing. I will never forget the beam in their eye and the glow in their cheeks as they saw this big red truck up close, and now had their own personal fire hats.
Well that was certainly better than eating in a snooty restaurant when you add it all up. Yea I believe in flipping the coin. And I believe that when you do, a fire truck or some semblance there of will always pull up and give you a thrill.
Recently I attended this incredible family reunion. This family had not been together in about 15 years. Over half the attendees had not met before. (New spouses, new children etc) There were about 50 people there. It was a two day blast. I am still smiling looking at the over 800 pictures that were taken between everyone.
Right before the reunion the senior most member of our genetic tribe crossed over to the other side; which meant that myself, and my four older siblings were now the senior generation of this group.
So to celebrate this transition: At the reunion, we each took a turn sharing wisdom with the younger generation.
My Sister Virginia: the oldest, spoke about the cost of freedom, patriotism, speaking wisely and embracing opportunities.
My brother Myrle made reference to the ingredients of a family being more than just people being biologically related, and wanted to welcome all into the family, and acknowledging those that were not there.
Sandy shared some basic wisdom like: Live each day to its fullest – it may be your last.
If you can’t say something nice about someone – keep your mouth shut. Plan for a rainy day – it will happen. Life is not always fair – so suck it up and get over it. The words “please” and “thank you” are never out of date. Treat others how you want to be treated – with dignity, respect, and honesty. Keep a smile on your face and a sense of humor about you. Give more than you expect to receive. Don’t let your mind stagnate – learn something new each day. Take care of your body – eat well, exercise, and don’t abuse it.
Joan suggested we all look to our past and examine the legacy that has been left us. She acknowledged that what we think is wisdom as a child changes over time, and that most of us return to our roots as we get older; And how that wisdom of our parents has given her grace and peace as she ages.
And me? Well that’s the purpose of today’s blog: Here is what I said after having given everyone a penny:
“Take the penny and just place it down with whichever side up you want. Some were tails, and some were heads. She asked them to turn it over. And all in the group confirmed that each coin has two sides, a heads and a tails. And when one side is up, it does not make the other disappear. The focus however is only on what is seen.
Life is the same way. Every situation can be positive or negative. And most situations have the potential to be both. The wisdom I would like to share is that we all have a choice to flip our coin when ever we want to.
When something bad happens sad, traumatic, painful or destructive: it is exactly that. And compassion abounds freely for that.
However in every one of those circumstances there is a gift; and there is a way to flip the coin and take something awful and turn it into something good. It does not make the awful go away… it just puts the energy and focus on the good.
The wisdom of 13 years of dealing with people’s pain and trauma is that in EVERY single life event there is a gift.
Flipping the coin….. and finding the gift is often is what life is all about. Reaching down and finding the gratefulness for the gift, is the best way to flip the coin.
I am thankful always, that no matter what happens, there will always be a gift to find if I am persistent in looking for and finding it. SO get good at flipping the coin, and be thankful for ALL things.”
Well the funniest thing happened two days later. It was like it was a test. I do not really think the universe works that way, but it sure seems as if every time I make a resolve in life, I get tested.
Any way, I was so excited about taking my family to my favorite restaurant down at the beach. I eat there every time I go. I have thought about taking them all there for several years now. It sits out on the water, and when the sun sets it is just beautiful. We were all dressed up, and on the waiting list to be seated. There were 11 of us. We were told it would be a 20 minute wait….which turned into a 90 minute wait, while I watched another party as large as ours get seated, and they had come in after us. I tried to be composed and polite, as the tears ran down my cheek. I could not have my family wait any longer, so we left and decided in our dressed up gigs to have take out pizza. (Now one of our family members runs the pizza place, so it certainly helped her and her business.) The bill for pizza was certainly a lot less than it would have been for fine dining. And with all of that I was desperately trying to keep my coin flipped: With a good attitude, despite the fact that inside I was heart broken……Then it happened, I walked out to the parking lot of the pizza place, to find two of my grandchildren sitting in the back seat of my convertible ready to go for a ride in the wind. But that wasn’t what did it. It was the looks on their face. They both were sitting there with fireman hats on. While we were in ordering the pizza, a fire truck had pulled in. And if that was not a enough, one of the fireman had come over to talk to these two 5 and 6 year olds. They were just glowing. I will never forget the beam in their eye and the glow in their cheeks as they saw this big red truck up close, and now had their own personal fire hats.
Well that was certainly better than eating in a snooty restaurant when you add it all up. Yea I believe in flipping the coin. And I believe that when you do, a fire truck or some semblance there of will always pull up and give you a thrill.
Friday, May 21, 2010
The wine bar
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
so not everything in life is a spiritual milestone.. sometimes it is ok to be human and just enjoy the moment:
so.........for my friends on and not on face book....
i heard by accident we had a wine bar in the tiny little iddy biddy town i live in... east Podunk country USA....wonderful, genuine, but very rural.... without even a decent drunken bar let alone a wine bar....
so i emailed my sweet love of my life husband.... and asked him on date for friday night to the wine bar.....
so here is a synopsis:
i asked for a glass of merlot wine..... and they said.....oh we don't have merlot....
ok so give me a chardonnay.... they said .....we are out of that too.....
well then show me your menu....(5 things on the menu) and they are out of four of them
so we ordered a turkey sub..... and a few minutes later.... the owner.. a very very nice older man who has to go get a pad of paper to write down our order for two sandwiches..... comes back to say...
i just bought the sub rolls yesterday.. but they have mold on them.. can i use bread?
Then i see a sign about becoming a member.. its actually a club... cost 5$ a year per couple... we joined.....
Then i asked for a pinot noir..... they brought me a white wine....
we played pool.. had a blast... for every 5th ball we hit one went into the pocket.
And we are going back..... everyone at the bar was laughing.. and having a good time.... and smiling.....they had a good juke box.. and as we were leaving they were setting up karaoke
come to find out the lack of wine in a wine bar, and the menu issues all have to do with governmental snafues.....but....we have a new friend.. the owner.. and we now belong to the club,,,
and who cares.. 18 years into marriage.. and i still love date night.....
so not everything in life is a spiritual milestone.. sometimes it is ok to be human and just enjoy the moment:
so.........for my friends on and not on face book....
i heard by accident we had a wine bar in the tiny little iddy biddy town i live in... east Podunk country USA....wonderful, genuine, but very rural.... without even a decent drunken bar let alone a wine bar....
so i emailed my sweet love of my life husband.... and asked him on date for friday night to the wine bar.....
so here is a synopsis:
i asked for a glass of merlot wine..... and they said.....oh we don't have merlot....
ok so give me a chardonnay.... they said .....we are out of that too.....
well then show me your menu....(5 things on the menu) and they are out of four of them
so we ordered a turkey sub..... and a few minutes later.... the owner.. a very very nice older man who has to go get a pad of paper to write down our order for two sandwiches..... comes back to say...
i just bought the sub rolls yesterday.. but they have mold on them.. can i use bread?
Then i see a sign about becoming a member.. its actually a club... cost 5$ a year per couple... we joined.....
Then i asked for a pinot noir..... they brought me a white wine....
we played pool.. had a blast... for every 5th ball we hit one went into the pocket.
And we are going back..... everyone at the bar was laughing.. and having a good time.... and smiling.....they had a good juke box.. and as we were leaving they were setting up karaoke
come to find out the lack of wine in a wine bar, and the menu issues all have to do with governmental snafues.....but....we have a new friend.. the owner.. and we now belong to the club,,,
and who cares.. 18 years into marriage.. and i still love date night.....
Thursday, April 15, 2010
hope is the answer
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
The two biggest barriers to healing are helplessness and hopelessness.
I talk to my clients about falling down and getting back up. (It is not about how many times you fall down; it is about getting back up.) So often, however one falls down and just can’t get back up. (Either due to discouragement or fatigue or just confusion as to how) That’s when collective energy is so powerful.
I can tell you stories of the people I know who fell down, and thought it was their last time, thought they were down for the count, who got back up only because someone gave them hope.
Hope is essential to life. Without it we die. Hope is about having something to look forward to. Hope is about believing life will get better, or at least not get worse. Hope is about believing in miracles and believing in the impossible.
We get hope from information, from stories, from evidence. We get hope from God, from life, from watching people. Hope is fuel to climb the highest mountains, and it is the strength that allows us to get up again even when we are tired.
Helplessness is a little different, but has some similarities. Helplessness is an attitude that is nurtured by thoughts of I can’t, I shouldn’t or, I won’t. It’s like falling down and refusing to get up. It is like falling down and saying some else must come get me up. It maybe an attitude painted with fear or it just may come from thoughts of entitlement. But helpless is only a hair away from being hopeless.
The Cure for both is hope. Hope is about believing in possibilities. Hope is about solutions, and options and finding the light when it is dark. Hope is the breath of life.
Hope is in all of us, and can be found by getting quiet, filling our hearts and mind with love and gratefulness and then believing that life is worth living fuller, better, healthier and happier.
Never Ever Give up Hope……it is the twin to love.
The two biggest barriers to healing are helplessness and hopelessness.
I talk to my clients about falling down and getting back up. (It is not about how many times you fall down; it is about getting back up.) So often, however one falls down and just can’t get back up. (Either due to discouragement or fatigue or just confusion as to how) That’s when collective energy is so powerful.
I can tell you stories of the people I know who fell down, and thought it was their last time, thought they were down for the count, who got back up only because someone gave them hope.
Hope is essential to life. Without it we die. Hope is about having something to look forward to. Hope is about believing life will get better, or at least not get worse. Hope is about believing in miracles and believing in the impossible.
We get hope from information, from stories, from evidence. We get hope from God, from life, from watching people. Hope is fuel to climb the highest mountains, and it is the strength that allows us to get up again even when we are tired.
Helplessness is a little different, but has some similarities. Helplessness is an attitude that is nurtured by thoughts of I can’t, I shouldn’t or, I won’t. It’s like falling down and refusing to get up. It is like falling down and saying some else must come get me up. It maybe an attitude painted with fear or it just may come from thoughts of entitlement. But helpless is only a hair away from being hopeless.
The Cure for both is hope. Hope is about believing in possibilities. Hope is about solutions, and options and finding the light when it is dark. Hope is the breath of life.
Hope is in all of us, and can be found by getting quiet, filling our hearts and mind with love and gratefulness and then believing that life is worth living fuller, better, healthier and happier.
Never Ever Give up Hope……it is the twin to love.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
tribes and quiet
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Being connected to a tribe and being quiet seem like polar opposites; and they are. But it is the paradoxes of life that fill it with all that we need.
Recently a group of friends from our past came to visit. Yes a group came, and made great sacrifices to do it. It was a very short three days, but it was three days of laughter, connection, love and creating new memories. It was like a fix. Energy shifted and it felt like a wave of healing and hope.
We laughed and joked about growing old in a commune (notice I did not say nursing home). We all admitted how much younger we felt just being together. I am so convinced that being part of a group, being part of a tribe is essential in remaining full and fit.
I also know that relative to that, is the need to get alone with oneself, and shut down the brain, so that one can get connected to something else. Call it self, call it higher power, call it spirit, call it universe, call it God; but call it, and acknowledge it, and hear it, and feel it. Every time I let my meditation (prayer) practice go I gradually become disconnected from it, and then what follows is usually a “disconnect” from people.
When I get quiet, it allows me to be in touch with what I feel, and what I know (which is totally different from what I think). And when I am touch with those things, people of like minds seem to magically appear, as if I actively participated in the attraction of them to me. (Which in reality I did)
Today I am full of gratefulness, for the quiet, for the love of a great God, a beautiful universe, so many great friends and family and for this present moment.
I love my quiet, and I love my peeps, and I love all that is being attracted to me today.
Being connected to a tribe and being quiet seem like polar opposites; and they are. But it is the paradoxes of life that fill it with all that we need.
Recently a group of friends from our past came to visit. Yes a group came, and made great sacrifices to do it. It was a very short three days, but it was three days of laughter, connection, love and creating new memories. It was like a fix. Energy shifted and it felt like a wave of healing and hope.
We laughed and joked about growing old in a commune (notice I did not say nursing home). We all admitted how much younger we felt just being together. I am so convinced that being part of a group, being part of a tribe is essential in remaining full and fit.
I also know that relative to that, is the need to get alone with oneself, and shut down the brain, so that one can get connected to something else. Call it self, call it higher power, call it spirit, call it universe, call it God; but call it, and acknowledge it, and hear it, and feel it. Every time I let my meditation (prayer) practice go I gradually become disconnected from it, and then what follows is usually a “disconnect” from people.
When I get quiet, it allows me to be in touch with what I feel, and what I know (which is totally different from what I think). And when I am touch with those things, people of like minds seem to magically appear, as if I actively participated in the attraction of them to me. (Which in reality I did)
Today I am full of gratefulness, for the quiet, for the love of a great God, a beautiful universe, so many great friends and family and for this present moment.
I love my quiet, and I love my peeps, and I love all that is being attracted to me today.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tribes, intuition, and connection
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
So.......... for 4-5 weeks I have been in this place....vague irritability, aware that change needs to occur, knowing that vibration levels are different...having trouble getting quiet, could hear voices (guides chattering, but feeling love), so knew it was them….. but no clear message....
Last fall I had gotten a message that said.. “you don't need to go somewhere else for your answers....., and that energy work from another, was great, but that if i was truly in touch with myself and facilitating my own healing, i wouldn't need to go anywhere...” so I have been trying to work on my issues from the inside out.
I went and got a massage anyway….. and things got worse......probably all the issues coming to the surface.
Now irritability and downhill slide started about the time that Gus was attacked. (for those of you who don't know, our beloved lab boxer mix was attacked by a neighbor dog, and crushed his leg, requiring very expensive surgery)
And 4-5 weeks of watching a dog with an external fixator deal with three legs, pain and a few other complications, was very intense: I know that I was experiencing compassion fatigue
Work was frustrating and to top it all off.. we have had a very cold winter, I was feeling like cabin fever was setting in, and this was the weekend we were suppose to be in the Dominican Republic on vacation. Canceled the trip due to the cost of Gus, and not wanting to leave him with anyone, due to his care required with this splint and 8 screws in his leg.
So I took the time off from work any way; and listened to my intuition.
So there are several important things I want to share here…..
#1 always listen to your intuition. I wasn’t sure what I was really going to do, and there was so much I needed to do around the house, and really did not feel like driving 5 hours one way to the beach….. but I felt drawn to the beach… so I went.
2. Listen to your dreams. (like: night time asleep dreams) Dreams, if you let them, can solve all those problems you think you can’t figure out. Friday night I spent with my best friend Karen (and her wonderful daughter) . It was relaxing and wonderful, and then I fell asleep and dreamed a silly dream, very vivid, and very real, and the answer to my work situation was in that dream. The dream was not about work it was about, some relative dying and leaving me custody of their child. This child was very unique and different from me, and required a different approach when communicating with her. (the whole dream was actually about learning how to communicate differently. ) When I woke up: My friend said… well the child is your job, and you just need to learn how to communicate differently to / with them…..duh, light bulb… yes!
Then I left there and drove to the beach to inspect the house we had rented for the week this summer in July. It was awesome. And I felt joy and hope, and excitement looking forward to when all my kids and grandchildren might be together. From there I went to visualize the club house where we are having a family reunion that same week, and also got excited and hopeful, that we were going to have a blast.
3. Having something fun to look forward to is important.
I met up with a sister who lives there, and we decided to have lunch. She picked the place, and it just happened to be at a restaurant right next door to my favorite shop. I poked my head in and asked how long they would be open and they said only to 5p. It was 4p then, and I said, well I will have to catch you next time; Just going into lunch with my sister. And they said, “we will wait for you” wow.
4. All things are as they are supposed to be, and sometimes the impossible happens. I did go back at 5 and there was a psychic / healer I have talked to before and decided on a whim to get a reading. This blog post was actually inspired by that reading, and will share, but first want to finish about my great weekend……And my insights.
Saturday night I spent with my sister. At her house: laughing and having a great time. Learned things about her I did not know, and then had breakfast with her daughter and her kids and one boyfriend the next day. People I hardly knew really, but felt such a connection with, and was so aware of the power of connection and tribe.
5. Tribes are so important. Tribes come from genetics, from belief sharing, from profession sharing and from pleasure sharing….but everyone needs tribal connection and it was so empowering and inspiring to be with people and share love. The reunion I am planning, gets exhausting, cause of how much effort tit is to convince people that it’s worth the time and the money to make this trip. The potential to experience love and to get to know people that you don’t know but are connected to on some level is just awesome. I really hope everyone connected to Elsie and Myrle English will come with love and openness and expectation that there will be gifts in this experience…..
Then I left there and drove down to Wilmington to see an old friend. And meet the people she lives with, who are definitely now new friends. And there was more love. I also saw a daughter of another friend, as we sat around and told stories, the love and laughter and connection just began to immerge.
6. Tribes are so important. Being with a tribe member and sharing and loving and laughing is at the essence of life. I think isolation is a destructive intruder. Friends and family and groups of people who share love, is at the core of human existence.
My second book is called “finding the tribe” And as I write this, it becomes apparent that attracting the right tribe members into your life, is far more important than attracting prosperity. I can see into the future, rich and I living on a big piece of land, with many houses, and many people just showing up, and sharing the land and sharing the love, and becoming a tribe.
I came home from the beach with a healed heart. From the love and the connection of so may cool people, from being at the beach; And from being open to intuition, and new experience.
But before I close, I want to share the pinnacle of the experience and describe the reading I had by the psychic. (Any of you who truly know who I am, will relate to this and go wow…….that psychic knew her stuff.)
So as we were abstractly exchanging information, about the struggles in my life: the psychic and I: She said: “well this is karma stuff. You will not move forward to the next level of vibration before you finish what is going on right now. This is coming from another life time.” So I sarcastically said: “So what the hell happened in that life time that has caused me to be so stuck…?” and poof… she went off into a trance…… and began to speak to me about that life time: And I became speechless, as I was remembering everything she was saying, even before she said it. And the emotion of this completely paralyzed me. And when she was done… I was peaceful and aware that this was a possibility, and now I am open and on a mission to resolve this.
Here is what she said to me.
“You were in a tribe. You were in your early twenties, and a male. You were drawn to work with the tribal healer: and older woman with long gray braids, with much wisdom and love. She was teaching you about healing. She was preparing you to be the tribe shaman, which you were open and ready to be. It came with great cost, because the other males were warriors or hunters and leaders. And you were different. They teased you and bullied you, but you had a resolve to rise to this gift and calling to be the tribal medicine man. But before you were ready, or before you were fully prepared to take on this roll, she left you abruptly. And you were devastated. And tried to finish what she started, but were just not prepared. There was a huge piece of preparation missing.
You tried to stay the course, but one day while paddling in some rapids you drowned in a waterfall. You just gave up and said, I can not do this.”
As she was describing this, it felt like a place in the Dominican that Rich and I were going to hike to. And I just got this overwhelming sense that if we had gone there this weekend, I would have died there again.
Anyway, she went on to say, that I have been called again to be a shaman, and a healer, and currently get teased a lot for my “quirky “ beliefs, but just can’t get there, because I am missing a piece.
She said, I have been looking my whole life for that healer lady to finish my apprenticeship, so that I could take on this role and in his life and finish that karma. She said I have had many mentors and heroes in my life, who I have looked to for that inspiration, and they give me good information, but never what I really needed, and I get discouraged and detached from them. She went on to say, that this teacher person, is about to show up in my life again,. That I have not yet met her, (or him) but am about to and will know her (him) immediately, and the journey will pick up where it left off, and the fulfillment that I have looked for my whole life will be attained.
Whew…….can not tell you when anything has ever hit me so accurately in the heart…
And my human head, says, whether or not any of that is true is irrelevant, someone put into a package a feeling I have, and I walked away from there hopeful and validated.
7. Ask and you shall receive. I asked for wisdom. It came in a strange package. Because I trusted my intuition,….. And today I feel peace.
Hope, and connection, and wisdom may just be around the corner for you. Ask, and then trust you intuition, and doors and windows, and life may open up before you.
So.......... for 4-5 weeks I have been in this place....vague irritability, aware that change needs to occur, knowing that vibration levels are different...having trouble getting quiet, could hear voices (guides chattering, but feeling love), so knew it was them….. but no clear message....
Last fall I had gotten a message that said.. “you don't need to go somewhere else for your answers....., and that energy work from another, was great, but that if i was truly in touch with myself and facilitating my own healing, i wouldn't need to go anywhere...” so I have been trying to work on my issues from the inside out.
I went and got a massage anyway….. and things got worse......probably all the issues coming to the surface.
Now irritability and downhill slide started about the time that Gus was attacked. (for those of you who don't know, our beloved lab boxer mix was attacked by a neighbor dog, and crushed his leg, requiring very expensive surgery)
And 4-5 weeks of watching a dog with an external fixator deal with three legs, pain and a few other complications, was very intense: I know that I was experiencing compassion fatigue
Work was frustrating and to top it all off.. we have had a very cold winter, I was feeling like cabin fever was setting in, and this was the weekend we were suppose to be in the Dominican Republic on vacation. Canceled the trip due to the cost of Gus, and not wanting to leave him with anyone, due to his care required with this splint and 8 screws in his leg.
So I took the time off from work any way; and listened to my intuition.
So there are several important things I want to share here…..
#1 always listen to your intuition. I wasn’t sure what I was really going to do, and there was so much I needed to do around the house, and really did not feel like driving 5 hours one way to the beach….. but I felt drawn to the beach… so I went.
2. Listen to your dreams. (like: night time asleep dreams) Dreams, if you let them, can solve all those problems you think you can’t figure out. Friday night I spent with my best friend Karen (and her wonderful daughter) . It was relaxing and wonderful, and then I fell asleep and dreamed a silly dream, very vivid, and very real, and the answer to my work situation was in that dream. The dream was not about work it was about, some relative dying and leaving me custody of their child. This child was very unique and different from me, and required a different approach when communicating with her. (the whole dream was actually about learning how to communicate differently. ) When I woke up: My friend said… well the child is your job, and you just need to learn how to communicate differently to / with them…..duh, light bulb… yes!
Then I left there and drove to the beach to inspect the house we had rented for the week this summer in July. It was awesome. And I felt joy and hope, and excitement looking forward to when all my kids and grandchildren might be together. From there I went to visualize the club house where we are having a family reunion that same week, and also got excited and hopeful, that we were going to have a blast.
3. Having something fun to look forward to is important.
I met up with a sister who lives there, and we decided to have lunch. She picked the place, and it just happened to be at a restaurant right next door to my favorite shop. I poked my head in and asked how long they would be open and they said only to 5p. It was 4p then, and I said, well I will have to catch you next time; Just going into lunch with my sister. And they said, “we will wait for you” wow.
4. All things are as they are supposed to be, and sometimes the impossible happens. I did go back at 5 and there was a psychic / healer I have talked to before and decided on a whim to get a reading. This blog post was actually inspired by that reading, and will share, but first want to finish about my great weekend……And my insights.
Saturday night I spent with my sister. At her house: laughing and having a great time. Learned things about her I did not know, and then had breakfast with her daughter and her kids and one boyfriend the next day. People I hardly knew really, but felt such a connection with, and was so aware of the power of connection and tribe.
5. Tribes are so important. Tribes come from genetics, from belief sharing, from profession sharing and from pleasure sharing….but everyone needs tribal connection and it was so empowering and inspiring to be with people and share love. The reunion I am planning, gets exhausting, cause of how much effort tit is to convince people that it’s worth the time and the money to make this trip. The potential to experience love and to get to know people that you don’t know but are connected to on some level is just awesome. I really hope everyone connected to Elsie and Myrle English will come with love and openness and expectation that there will be gifts in this experience…..
Then I left there and drove down to Wilmington to see an old friend. And meet the people she lives with, who are definitely now new friends. And there was more love. I also saw a daughter of another friend, as we sat around and told stories, the love and laughter and connection just began to immerge.
6. Tribes are so important. Being with a tribe member and sharing and loving and laughing is at the essence of life. I think isolation is a destructive intruder. Friends and family and groups of people who share love, is at the core of human existence.
My second book is called “finding the tribe” And as I write this, it becomes apparent that attracting the right tribe members into your life, is far more important than attracting prosperity. I can see into the future, rich and I living on a big piece of land, with many houses, and many people just showing up, and sharing the land and sharing the love, and becoming a tribe.
I came home from the beach with a healed heart. From the love and the connection of so may cool people, from being at the beach; And from being open to intuition, and new experience.
But before I close, I want to share the pinnacle of the experience and describe the reading I had by the psychic. (Any of you who truly know who I am, will relate to this and go wow…….that psychic knew her stuff.)
So as we were abstractly exchanging information, about the struggles in my life: the psychic and I: She said: “well this is karma stuff. You will not move forward to the next level of vibration before you finish what is going on right now. This is coming from another life time.” So I sarcastically said: “So what the hell happened in that life time that has caused me to be so stuck…?” and poof… she went off into a trance…… and began to speak to me about that life time: And I became speechless, as I was remembering everything she was saying, even before she said it. And the emotion of this completely paralyzed me. And when she was done… I was peaceful and aware that this was a possibility, and now I am open and on a mission to resolve this.
Here is what she said to me.
“You were in a tribe. You were in your early twenties, and a male. You were drawn to work with the tribal healer: and older woman with long gray braids, with much wisdom and love. She was teaching you about healing. She was preparing you to be the tribe shaman, which you were open and ready to be. It came with great cost, because the other males were warriors or hunters and leaders. And you were different. They teased you and bullied you, but you had a resolve to rise to this gift and calling to be the tribal medicine man. But before you were ready, or before you were fully prepared to take on this roll, she left you abruptly. And you were devastated. And tried to finish what she started, but were just not prepared. There was a huge piece of preparation missing.
You tried to stay the course, but one day while paddling in some rapids you drowned in a waterfall. You just gave up and said, I can not do this.”
As she was describing this, it felt like a place in the Dominican that Rich and I were going to hike to. And I just got this overwhelming sense that if we had gone there this weekend, I would have died there again.
Anyway, she went on to say, that I have been called again to be a shaman, and a healer, and currently get teased a lot for my “quirky “ beliefs, but just can’t get there, because I am missing a piece.
She said, I have been looking my whole life for that healer lady to finish my apprenticeship, so that I could take on this role and in his life and finish that karma. She said I have had many mentors and heroes in my life, who I have looked to for that inspiration, and they give me good information, but never what I really needed, and I get discouraged and detached from them. She went on to say, that this teacher person, is about to show up in my life again,. That I have not yet met her, (or him) but am about to and will know her (him) immediately, and the journey will pick up where it left off, and the fulfillment that I have looked for my whole life will be attained.
Whew…….can not tell you when anything has ever hit me so accurately in the heart…
And my human head, says, whether or not any of that is true is irrelevant, someone put into a package a feeling I have, and I walked away from there hopeful and validated.
7. Ask and you shall receive. I asked for wisdom. It came in a strange package. Because I trusted my intuition,….. And today I feel peace.
Hope, and connection, and wisdom may just be around the corner for you. Ask, and then trust you intuition, and doors and windows, and life may open up before you.
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