Thursday, August 15, 2013

Never stop believing in the impossible

The last three mornings I have become aware of how grateful I am.  Some prayers have been answered and felt like I wanted to shout to the world NEVER give up on an idea, a need or a desire. Miracles happen all of the time.  The last three or four things that have happened sort of went like this:

1. I identified that something was wrong: (because I was tired, and sarcastic and feeling “stressed”)

2. Took the time the figure out exactly what it was that was bothering me. (most of the time what is bothering me is not really the issue: usually behind frustration and anger is fear, sadness, hurt, helplessness and hopelessness)

3. I realized that I had already tired to fix or address this problem both myself and with the help of others and we all felt helpless to fix it. (However knowing that others felt the same way validated that the problem / issue / challenge was real and legitimate; that feedback is usually needed because many problems are just products of our perceptions)

4. Took the problem up the ladder to the highest point of conversation. ((universe, spirit, God, higher power) and said HELP: I need wisdom direction and guidance in how to address, manage, fix or adapt to this.  (You notice I didn’t just say fix this, because often solutions require a change in our thinking to accept what can not be change)

5. Then this is the most important step: I let it go completely, as if I were simply going to have to accept things as they were: being willing for EITHER / OR.  I can be happy if it changes or if it does not)

6. Once a problem is given to the higher power, it IS taken care of. There is no need to beg or plead or be repetitive.  It’s ok to say periodically, “It certainly would be nice if…..” But it is more important to live life fully in the present moment without regard to the past or the future.  ALL THINGS ARE EXACTLY AS THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE!

7. Now this is the truly fun part of the process:  Being impressed with the creativity and timing of the solution.  The best solutions show up when you least expect them and in packages that totally surprise you.  And saying wow is always appropriate!

8. Saying thank you, and smiling and dancing and singing and sharing the miracle with others to encourage those who are at step one. (Thats what I am doing today)

9. Helping someone, being patient with someone, defending someone and reaching out a hand to someone who is tired and sarcastic and frustrated.  Because:


These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake