Pre Cruise:
The days leading up to the cruise were full of great feeling and intense emotion. I signed up for the cruise as a mechanism to make a dream come true: Getting published by Hay House. It has been a point on a manifestation curve to help me tell the stories of healing.
I have believed with all of my heart that I had something to say, but being a story teller is not necessarily the same thing as being a writer. And have thought that to tell these stories I needed some help with the writing of them.
The first book: IF YOU STAND IN THE MIDDLE YOU WON’T FALL DOWN, began the process of “telling the story”. But falls short of what it is deeply imbedded in my soul. So I signed up for this writer’s conference to get some help “writing” the rest of the story that my heart holds.
And to be perfectly honest, as excited as I was about coming here, and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that this would be a life changing experience for me, I was equally filled with fear. Fear, not so much of failure, but fear of what changes this experience would have in store for me and the fear of success. Now don’t get me wrong, I considered some self sabotage, considering that the majority of the speakers at this conference are my hero’s, mentors and spiritual guru’s. And at times thinking that standing on my tip toes; I could not touch the soles of their feet. However many of you encouraged me, and cheered me on with reminders that they put their shoes on the exact same way I do……… one foot at a time. So I packed and prepared and took off on an adventure with my soul mate and hubby.
The Cruise: Day one:
This is a very different cruise. Cruises to us in the past have been about drinking, staying up late, partying, eating, and seeing new places, on a big boat with lots of things to do. We love the warmth of the sun, and enjoy the good weather the south and the Caribbean offers.
This is a small ship, (the MS Westerdam) with not so much to do but offering the opportunity for the experience of relaxing. Neither one of us drink so much anymore, and we have already been to the islands we are docking at. We both are connected to healthy eating, and have no desire to pop our pants button. So everything its different
This cruise is all about the Hay House “I Can Do It” Conference for Rich and the writer’s conference for me. When we arrived I expected the same energy as when I attended the last “I Can Do It” Conference in Tampa, however it was quite different. Not better not worse, but very very different. I will be interested in observing the dynamics of that over this week.
Rich went to his first class, (with Caroline Myss) and I toured the boat. It was chilly outside , so it was definitely an inside night. We ate healthy, and went to bed early. Rich had his first ta dah moment, when he said after just a few hours with this group: “ Now I see why you have always wanted to be published by Hay House.”
Day Two:
Wow Wow Wow Wow
Now anyone who knows me knows I am not an early morning person. But I felt drawn to get up at 630 am to attend an early morning yoga class on the front deck, next to the blue waters of the ocean, and then tai chi on the back deck.
I have always been somewhat intimidated by yoga, But the timing of this, and the specific energy of the teacher (Priti, from, the Kripali Institute), transformed my opinion of it into a desire to do more. It was a monumental moment in time. I so became appreciative of the seed my daughter sowed in me when she started her yoga journey. I so completely got it at that moment. I have been attracting the desire to do it lately, and what we think about and what we desire we do attract. Yoga is a way of coming home to yourself.
The day kept getting better, Richard heard Wayne Dyer, and I went to the first day of the writers workshop. I also sat on deck as it started to warm up, and watched a school of baby dolphins swim in the ocean. We ate healthy, met lots of new people, talked about the changes we were both feeling.
And we went to bed early again; however not before we sat and processed all about our second day.
The first three hours of the writers conference was worth every penny of this trip. It is exactly what I am needing, and am consumed with new excitement. Many of you are participating in the collective energy of this, so whatever you are doing… keep doing it. And thank you all for being a witness to our journey
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dreams coming true
As many of you know I wrote my first book:
If You Stand in the Middle You Won't Fall Down:
Letters from Eloise and Jake
(As a way to tell the stories of 13 years of listening to
clients and their issues.)

For the last year I have had another book in my heart, about healing, spiritual journeys and what happens when the tribe comes together. I now have the rough draft done; And want to have my “dream publisher” (Hay House) to take a look at it.
Over a year ago I went to an “I can do it” conference in Tampa where most of my spiritual gurus were speaking. It was an incredible experience to be in that energy. It was at that time that I heard about another “I can do it conference”, with a “writers workshop” put on by Hay house. This time it is on a cruise ship going to the Caribbean.
I signed up for the conference, and Rich is attending too. It is this month January 28-Feb 4)
Now normally you need an agent to even submit a manuscript to Hay House, but anyone attending this workshop will be allowed to by pass on that detail. (And the possibility of being offered an advance and a book deal is available too). So I am putting energy into manifesting my dreams; by writing this to all of you.
I have finished the Very rough draft of the second book, which is still written by Eloise and Jake,

However it is written, not for and about the psychiatric patient but for and about the people that inspired my spiritual journey (many of which will be on this cruise).
This book (and this adventure) is not just about Hay house. It is about Hay house opening doors so that “I can create opportunities for others to go on their own spiritual journey.” I have dreams in my mind of a new business, called “Together All things are Possible”, and in fact the new book is Finding the tribe: Together All things are possible
Many of you have seen the twitter post and the face book posts from “Together all things are possible”, and have emailed me with how some of those posts have impacted your life. I am in the process of developing my new web site:, which will be an extension of the current We are at the very early developmental stages of all of that.

So if you want to be part of this collective energy, send love, send wisdom, send absolute perfect synchronicity to this event.
I believe all things are as they are suppose to be, and I believe that things are not exactly as they seem, but always much better, and there is always a gift in the midst of all of it.
On a good day I believe I have a story to tell, and that Hay house was meant to help me tell it. I do realize that my natural gifts are not in writing but in story telling, so it is all about being comfortable in that energy, and asking Hay House to help me tell my story.
Rich is excited about his attendance to the rest of the “I Can Do It Conference”. And I know that whatever happens, it will all be perfectly as it is meant to be.
I am looking forward to our experience, and my grand adventure, and would love you all to participate in the attraction of it into our lives.
Send love…….
Here is the sneak preview into the book, which is all about making contracts with your tribe: (The book describes the reasons for these commitments)
*I will listen to and care for and nourish my body with good food, water, good movement, good rest and I will dance.
*I will express gratefulness, daily, I will laugh and provide joy to my 6 senses. I will create something daily.
*I will actively try to make a difference in someone’s life daily.
*I will forgive and love without judgment. I will let love guide my thoughts and my actions.
*I will be authentic and real, and be as honest as I am allowed to be, with love and kindness.
*I will get quiet and listen daily, and remember that I have ALL the answers inside of me.
*I will trust that all things are as they are suppose to be, and nothing is totally is it seems, (because it is much better)
*I will embrace the paradoxes of life and seek balance.
I will live in the present but change the world. I will join a group but remain an individual
I will be generous, but remain full. I will love unconditionally, but maintain boundaries
I will embrace illness and accept healing. I will simplify and expand
I will be wild and still. I will dream and be satisfied. I will dance and rest.
I will have fun and work hard. I will be connected and detached.
I will be honest but kind. I will trust and I will question.
I will remember that I am never alone !!!!!
Eloise and Jake cheer you on! As do Rich and I!

These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
If You Stand in the Middle You Won't Fall Down:
Letters from Eloise and Jake
(As a way to tell the stories of 13 years of listening to
clients and their issues.)

For the last year I have had another book in my heart, about healing, spiritual journeys and what happens when the tribe comes together. I now have the rough draft done; And want to have my “dream publisher” (Hay House) to take a look at it.
Over a year ago I went to an “I can do it” conference in Tampa where most of my spiritual gurus were speaking. It was an incredible experience to be in that energy. It was at that time that I heard about another “I can do it conference”, with a “writers workshop” put on by Hay house. This time it is on a cruise ship going to the Caribbean.
I signed up for the conference, and Rich is attending too. It is this month January 28-Feb 4)
Now normally you need an agent to even submit a manuscript to Hay House, but anyone attending this workshop will be allowed to by pass on that detail. (And the possibility of being offered an advance and a book deal is available too). So I am putting energy into manifesting my dreams; by writing this to all of you.
I have finished the Very rough draft of the second book, which is still written by Eloise and Jake,

However it is written, not for and about the psychiatric patient but for and about the people that inspired my spiritual journey (many of which will be on this cruise).
This book (and this adventure) is not just about Hay house. It is about Hay house opening doors so that “I can create opportunities for others to go on their own spiritual journey.” I have dreams in my mind of a new business, called “Together All things are Possible”, and in fact the new book is Finding the tribe: Together All things are possible
Many of you have seen the twitter post and the face book posts from “Together all things are possible”, and have emailed me with how some of those posts have impacted your life. I am in the process of developing my new web site:, which will be an extension of the current We are at the very early developmental stages of all of that.

So if you want to be part of this collective energy, send love, send wisdom, send absolute perfect synchronicity to this event.
I believe all things are as they are suppose to be, and I believe that things are not exactly as they seem, but always much better, and there is always a gift in the midst of all of it.
On a good day I believe I have a story to tell, and that Hay house was meant to help me tell it. I do realize that my natural gifts are not in writing but in story telling, so it is all about being comfortable in that energy, and asking Hay House to help me tell my story.
Rich is excited about his attendance to the rest of the “I Can Do It Conference”. And I know that whatever happens, it will all be perfectly as it is meant to be.
I am looking forward to our experience, and my grand adventure, and would love you all to participate in the attraction of it into our lives.
Send love…….
Here is the sneak preview into the book, which is all about making contracts with your tribe: (The book describes the reasons for these commitments)
*I will listen to and care for and nourish my body with good food, water, good movement, good rest and I will dance.
*I will express gratefulness, daily, I will laugh and provide joy to my 6 senses. I will create something daily.
*I will actively try to make a difference in someone’s life daily.
*I will forgive and love without judgment. I will let love guide my thoughts and my actions.
*I will be authentic and real, and be as honest as I am allowed to be, with love and kindness.
*I will get quiet and listen daily, and remember that I have ALL the answers inside of me.
*I will trust that all things are as they are suppose to be, and nothing is totally is it seems, (because it is much better)
*I will embrace the paradoxes of life and seek balance.
I will live in the present but change the world. I will join a group but remain an individual
I will be generous, but remain full. I will love unconditionally, but maintain boundaries
I will embrace illness and accept healing. I will simplify and expand
I will be wild and still. I will dream and be satisfied. I will dance and rest.
I will have fun and work hard. I will be connected and detached.
I will be honest but kind. I will trust and I will question.
I will remember that I am never alone !!!!!
Eloise and Jake cheer you on! As do Rich and I!

These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Sunday, January 9, 2011
"Talking" I hear a lot of talking all day long. I listen, and I try to hear what is being said. And then I talk back, and try to offer validation, redirection, encouragement or whatever wisdom my ooze out of my mind. This is called conversation, and it is the measure of the connection that exists between the individuals who are having the conversation.
Talking is also a reflection of the soul. If the soul is tortured, so will be the words that are spoken If the person is in denial, the words spoken will be like a tap dance around an issue. If the people involved in conversation are afraid, guarded or angry, so flow similar words. One must be willing not just to release those feelings but then transform them into something more useful and positive.
Talking is also a great way, (As is writing) to work through layers of feelings, layers of programed confusion and layers of chaos brought on by how our society creates things.
The brain, processes information when it thinks it through, differently than when it is read, written, spoken or heard. Using all avenues of communication, will assist each of us in determining core information that might be missed if we just try to think it through.
Tribes produce excellent conduits for this exercise. Being able to talk through, write about, think about and listen to perspectives and feed backs, always enhances ones options.
But to share thoughts and feeling one must be in a relationship where trust is developed, opinions honored and no judgement exists. To find that means to give that. So for me to speak, I must first honor the the opinions of those I am speaking to, and I must trust that they will be honest and tell me if I am going down a scary path. And then I must be honest, and only give back words that are grounded in love, wisdom and good intuition.
I know I need people to talk with and talk to. I know that talking to God provides me with great wisdom and guidance, and journaling helps to release and re frame. but there is nothing more powerful than to have a friend tell me back what i just said without judgement, so that I can hear my own thoughts.
I love those people who have let me vomit words, and then helped me rearranged those words into something useful and productive. (And who still loved me, and never thought I was crazy as I was doing it.) I love those peopled who have shared my journey in those ways. And I especially love those who i trusted my most inner most secrets, and still continued to welcome my role and purpose in their tribe.
I will never stop speaking. I will continue to write, and speak to God, and listen.
I will read many perspectives. And then I will sit in my peace of knowing that I have chosen the right path and the right tribe.
Thanks you for being part of my tribe....... and for listening to me.
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
Talking is also a reflection of the soul. If the soul is tortured, so will be the words that are spoken If the person is in denial, the words spoken will be like a tap dance around an issue. If the people involved in conversation are afraid, guarded or angry, so flow similar words. One must be willing not just to release those feelings but then transform them into something more useful and positive.
Talking is also a great way, (As is writing) to work through layers of feelings, layers of programed confusion and layers of chaos brought on by how our society creates things.
The brain, processes information when it thinks it through, differently than when it is read, written, spoken or heard. Using all avenues of communication, will assist each of us in determining core information that might be missed if we just try to think it through.
Tribes produce excellent conduits for this exercise. Being able to talk through, write about, think about and listen to perspectives and feed backs, always enhances ones options.
But to share thoughts and feeling one must be in a relationship where trust is developed, opinions honored and no judgement exists. To find that means to give that. So for me to speak, I must first honor the the opinions of those I am speaking to, and I must trust that they will be honest and tell me if I am going down a scary path. And then I must be honest, and only give back words that are grounded in love, wisdom and good intuition.
I know I need people to talk with and talk to. I know that talking to God provides me with great wisdom and guidance, and journaling helps to release and re frame. but there is nothing more powerful than to have a friend tell me back what i just said without judgement, so that I can hear my own thoughts.
I love those people who have let me vomit words, and then helped me rearranged those words into something useful and productive. (And who still loved me, and never thought I was crazy as I was doing it.) I love those peopled who have shared my journey in those ways. And I especially love those who i trusted my most inner most secrets, and still continued to welcome my role and purpose in their tribe.
I will never stop speaking. I will continue to write, and speak to God, and listen.
I will read many perspectives. And then I will sit in my peace of knowing that I have chosen the right path and the right tribe.
Thanks you for being part of my tribe....... and for listening to me.
These are our thoughts feelings and experiences. We accept responsibility for them. We understand your journey may be different. We honor and respect that. Wishing you effortless joy. Eloise and Jake
writing speaking
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