Find a partner and contract with them to improve your healing potential. Have them check in with you and your progress daily or weekly. Each day focus on a different aspect. These keys to healing have been studied and researched over the years by Eloise and Jake. Without then, healing is less available.
Your contract might sound something like this:
-I will listen to and care for and nourish my body with good food, good water, good movement, good rest and I will dance.
-I will express gratefulness, daily, I will laugh and provide joy to my 6 senses. I will create something daily.
-I will actively try to make a difference in someone’s life daily.
-I will forgive and love without judgment. I will let love guide my thoughts and my actions.
-I will be authentic and real, and be as honest as I am allowed to be, with love and kindness.
-I will get quiet and listen daily, and remember that I have ALL the answers inside of me; And I will trust that always.
-I will trust that all things are as they are suppose to be, and nothing is totally as it seems, (because it is much better)
-I will embrace the paradoxes of life and seek balance.
I will simplify and expand
I will be wild and still
I will dream and be satisfied
I will dance and rest
I will have fun and work hard
I will be connected and detached
I will be honest but kind
I will trust and I will question
I will live in the present but change the world.
I will join a group but remain an individual
I will be generous, but remain full
I will love unconditionally, but maintain boundaries
I will embrace illness and accept healing
I will remember that I am never alone: Eloise and Jake cheer you on. (